Is it possible to develop a BaaS (Backend as a Service) such as Firebase or Parse on top of the MaidSafe Network? It would be great to use the MaidSafe Network as a BaaS for the database backend for a mobile app running on Android or iOS.
It would be cool to develop a MaidSafe app that uses the Safe Network for persistent storage and create a RESTful API for mobile app developers to access the MaidSafe app’s functionality. Is this possible?
I would say it will be possible to do many of the things that are currently done by these kinds of backends, but there will be differences, some just trade-offs, some things not practical and others never before possible. SAFEpress is one project that aims to provide a way to do at least conventional dynamic websites, but I imagine there will be other projects aimed at different scenarios. Its seems that Structured Data will allow us some backend type functionality (enumerating documents?) to be provided by the network, other backend functions will be implemented differently, running on the client but using the RESTful API (mutable and versioned data APIs) for lower level functions.
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