Thanks Hunter. I don’t understand the lack of engagement for so long. Not wanting to knock you or the team here, I sense some defensiveness and that’s quite likely justified because I don’t see all that is going on. But I don’t understand why so much is hidden if so.
I’m presenting my impressions, understanding and experience. Mostly I’m the only SAFE/Maidsafe person posting and interacting on the Solid chats and on the internal Maidsafe Solid slack channel except when somebody has pushed for it to happen.
I’ve always had the impression that there was interest, discussion and research going on among the team, but that for some reason mostly just internal, and perhaps just within a small group. I hoped to see what that was when I was included in the new Solid slack a few months ago. I’ve learned a bit from having that access, but generally only when I’ve asked specifically for information, and I’m the only person who posts bits and pieces there as part of my research. It’s generally silent for long periods with me posting the odd thing.
Anyone can post in the Solid groups, any level of question, suggestion or idea. The visitors there range from absolute newcomers, technical and non technical, through to experts. All kinds of questions and discussions, and all are welcome, so I don’t recognise your description or accept that there’s something about what is acceptable in the Solid gitter that makes it difficult for anyone from Maidsafe to join in there. I recall the Maidsafe team saying they had struggled quite a bit with getting to grips with RDF at first. That was a surprise to me because I didn’t see anyone asking for help there. The Solid chat is there to help with exactly that. I used it while learning, but the team did so hardly at all in that period and only briefly since when ‘encouraged’ 
I realise that I can become the bad guy here and am afraid of creating a negative feeling around something that I want people to be enthusiastic about together. So I hope my frustration doesn’t have a negative impact - I’m not trying to undermine anyone and trying clumsily maybe, to help.
Maybe it’s me. Seriously. Perhaps the way I charge around and tackle this discourages people from feeling OK about getting more publicly involved? If so, I would like to know. Any feedback, public or private, is welcome and I will bear and deal with it myself. If my stepping aside or shutting up and giving space for others would facilitate other’s involvement etc I’ll certainly do it, or if there are better ways of working together, all suggestions welcome. I thought I’d been doing that while focusing on other things and that after DWeb in particular things might start to change, but I’m not seeing it.
I’ve learned an enormous amount about how to interact and work with people while here, but it is still something I feel unsure of and wonder if I tread on people’s toes without realising. So I’m still wanting to learn and improve.
So I’m sorry if I’ve been doing that in any way and hope we can all find ways to work together, build this and enjoy it at the same time.
EDIT: And as soon as I post this I see @joshuef has made a proposal to the Solid team to help developers get to grips with rdflib.js
Great stuff. Moaarrr, moaar!