It is a difficult thing really. The history is terrible as many are, Scottish people revolted 3 times after the union of the crowns in 1707. The last being Culloden, thereafter we were banned form owning land, playing bagpipes, carrying weapons and even using Gaelic. After the Glencoe massacre the soldier in charge had a copy of the order, signed top and bottom by the king at the time (William of Orange) to put to death everyone in the village, man woman and child. It was publicised by the Jacobytes who took it from he drunk general in France. The whole of Europe and the Pope condemned England at that time.
The whole union came from the Darien adventure where Scotland pooled all it’s cash (£350K) to send 1200 people in a ship to Darien (near Panama) to trade. The West India tea company forbade any nation from trading with them. All 1200 perished.
Then the English offered Scottish landowners (guess what) £350K to commit to a union. This is why you hear the phrase bought and sold for English gold.
There is a significant amount of wrongs been done in the name of union. It was never voted for by the people and actively resisted. Even in recent times 1979 a large majority of Scotts voted for devolution, an overwhelming Yes vote was the result. The UK government under Thatcher decreed that every person who did not vote was to be counted a no. Then in 1997 they capitulated when there was an even bigger majority.
In 2014 there was horrific propaganda in Scotland. People were told we would be out of Europe, lose our pensions and even ridiculous things like the Russians would invade us (even martians was mentioned). It was like the teardown of Corbyn times 1000. The votes themselves were weird, almost everybody speaking was a yes, but the count an dodgy postal ballot went the other way. In any case the vote was no.
Now we have a country that was the enlightenment, one that is socially inclusive and welcoming of others, one who looks after the young and elderly and that country is not the union of the UK, but Scotland.
Even now the mainstream media are horrific, last week headline was Scotland fails A&E waiting times. It had 88% targets met instead of 95%. You think oh that is OK then, however, England had 81%, Wales 76% and NI 65% (approx, I cannot remember the figures). So the truth was Scotland outperformed ruk, but the headline was very misleading and pure propaganda.
Now the tricky Scotland/England issue. We are rivals, like CanadaUSA, NZ/Australia etc. We have here a huge disparity in wealth. Most Scottish villages now have a huge proportion of English people as well as many other nationalities. However, the English in many instances sell a house down south and buy one here with so much cash left they don’t need to work. Many then get involved in community things, like gala’s parades etc. (All good so far). In Skye for instance the English are at over 50% of the population and you will not hear a Scottish accent in any shop, even the traditional trinket shops.
That does 2 things that are used in bad ways.
- Creates a sentiment of Anti English (not true)
- Allows the mainstream to declare independence a nationalist issue only for Scots.
Sotland is not anti English, but it is losing the Scottish culture. That allows many wrong parallels to be dawn. A lot of English people I know here, believe they a disliked and that is amazing. The Scots I know, do not feel that, but they do feel oppressed and overwhelmed by the amount of English with lots of cash and time to change our ways. that dilutes the think they came here for, the culture, the openness and friendly people.
So right now we have a country in some turmoil and one that needs to tread it’s own path. We need to allow the social inclusion of any people and welcome folk with open arms. all other nationalities seem to love it, but I fear many English are already conned and persuaded of a false narrative to a great extent.
The Scot as the weaker, more silly nation really is a feeling you can perceive from only [edit, a minority, granted] English incomers, that is worrying!
I say all this as a normal Scot, I married an English lassie so I am 100% not anti English, but I can see the problems that do exist.
All in all, the Scot is a curious breed, they never give up their country and quietly and steadfastly they will always be Scots and proud. The quiet part hides a lot.
I hope this helps Mark, it’s an honest appraisal.