Continuing the discussion from Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network:
I’ve been thinking about posting this for awhile and was going to ask this (in fact I might have posted this on the app thread myself awhile back i don’t know. But @whiteoutmashups has taken an idea I’ve had for a long time and voiced it so I’m going to take my own throughts and turn it into a seperate thread.
What’s the difference between an RPG, a RTS and an FPS? Camera perspective and number of characters. The game Spore demonstrates this somewhat (tho it does it rather crudely in my opinion) as it integrates elements of several different game types. What’s the difference between a sci-fi RPG and a fantasy RPG? Setting and storyline. So what if you could change the setting, storyline and camera perspective were all under the end user’s control? What if the entire interface, hotkeys, layout, appearance, was all under their control, all modular and interchable for them to select, edit and custom create. Now imagine you’re playing a startagy game and issue a command to a unit, say a spaceship orbiting a planet, only instead of an A.I. you’re communicating with another human being who in turn is connected with other human beings. Now it’s the same graphics for the ship the commander sees but from a different camera angle, this time third person. So our RPG playing wing commander gets the message from the RTS commander and flys off with a squad of friends in ships in similar formation and control configuration and go do a bombing run on the surface of the planet. During the attack run one of the ships is shot down so he notifies his commander (or the commander is automatically notified), bails from his ship and switches perspective to FPS and starts looking for single enemy combatants on the planet surface. Later he finds a new ship and climbs in but ends up having to battle some monster inside while en route to a space station. Then opts to take command of said station, change perspective and start issuing commands to the surrounding ships.
Imagine if every character andenvironment could be viewed from 1st or 3rd person viewpoint. Imagine if your entire character was customizable, species, abilities, appearance, history, backstory, equipment, everything. Imagine every object in the game was player created, as @whiteoutmashups suggested, every piece of the environment, every character, every piece of clothing, every weapon, every tool, every sign, every building, every grain of sand, everything.
Now imagine in order to play this game you can do 1 of 2 things. You can pay in safecoin or you can create something for the game. You can write storylines, you can create characters and objects, you can debug code, you can create textures, anything your little heart desires but in order to play you must create something. And every time you do create something you get paid in safecoin. Basically those who create get paid by those who don’t. And you have a choice, if you don’t have the funds you can get creative.
What are variuos level environments in various games save for a textured cube with stuff in it? If that’s all then we simply texture the cube differently and load different stuff.