Citizen Wallet - is an ERC20 wallet that is designed to keep web3 complexity hidden and provide a simpler UX for users. They make it easy for a community or collective to create a token and use it in a variety of ways, including support for local first / offline paper transactions etc.
The wallet is less hardcore than many here might prefer because it leverages a trusted community such as a Collective to simplify the UX. But even if their wallet wasn’t adopted for Autonomists , I suspect this would be a good template for an Autonomi wallet that reaches those outside the cryptocurrency bubble, which is essential if the fundamentals are still truly important.
Below is a link to their principles which align well with the ethos of Autonomi, being focused on people and communities rather than crypto trading, businesses etc.
The website is very helpful with details of the features they support, their commitment to openness and to access for everyone.
@Bux I am sure you already have this area covered using existing contacts, and am aware it may not quite be hardcore enough for all as is. But it would still be worth looking at as a kind of benchmark, for inspiration and ideas, or as a basis for an Autonomi wallet once the user base broadens.
It could also be forked by the community as an alternative wallet for the project.
P.S. Citizen Wallet is used and recommended by Open Collective who some will already know.