As mentioned in the Reddit Migration to r/safenetwork topic, it would be great to have a new banner for r/safenetwork that looks sharper (the previous banner has actually already been replaced, but we haven’t chosen a new banner yet. The one you see on r/safenetwork at the moment is there just for testing purposes).
A few community members such as @Suriana and @Arcturus have submitted potential designs for the banner of r/safenetwork. To help decide which banner we should use for r/safenetwork, we (the moderators of r/safenetwork) would like to do a poll that includes the designs that seem the most promising.
Maybe we should have included this version in the poll instead? They are very similar and we can still make some minor tweaks once we agree on a design.
I think the “Safe network” shows up better in the version you replied with so perhaps! Not sure though. I kind of meant either darker or lighter overall though. Just an opinion
I can definitely experiment with different styles, but we might need a second poll if I make big changes in the design. Here’s a darker one with the logo more centered toward the light
The font of 1;2;3 makes that almost one option. No contest 4 is best of those - because of the background… 3 is weakest. The foreground of 4 could be made as Secure Access For Everyone too without much effect on perception of the design. Then, as a banner perhaps less is more.
No reason I’d be seeing the app version… browser here. Likely it’s just being rotated in some fashion… and complication of caching, if there isn’t a forced refresh.