I opened up a Changelly account and bought a few hundred maidsafe coins. I used bit coins via coinbase to do the exchange under the maid adress portion I used my coinbase adress (not sure if this was a mistake). The bit coins were withdrawn from my coinbase account and Changelly gave me a transaction history which included an input and output transaction hash and receiver number. Changelly took 11 maid as commission.
My issue now is Changelly says I have several hundred coins in my transaction history but I cannot find my coins. How do I find my coins or how do I buy maidsafe coins and verify them once I buy. I don’t want to spend several hundred dollars in coins and don’t know how to find or verify them.
You will need to contact Coinbase because they have control of the private key. This has happened before and they should be able to help you, but it’s really up to them.
You can read about one such situation here - Coinbase to Maidsafe Private keys issue
It’s not clear to me, in your post, whether you withdrew your MAID. But if you have withdrawn it to a Bitcoin address with Coinbase then I believe you are in trouble. The essential requirement for holding MAID is that you possess the private key to the Bitcoin address where MAID is sent.
Just for clarities sake, you had changelly send the Maidsafe coins to a coinbase address?
In Changelly it said MAID Address and I used my coinbase wallet address after that I pressed confirm & make payment. See the example picture I attached.
I did not withdraw any MAID. All I did was deposit the money from my coinbase account and check my transaction history on Changelly. I caught what I did when I tried to use the same method to buy ripple and it did not let me.
Also, I contacted Coinbase and the computer reply said that I had to create some type of vault.
Changelly (and ShapeShift) do not hold your coins. You deposit funds and specify where you want the new coin that you requested to be sent. The very act of using their service is withdrawing the new coin. To convert to MAID, you need to specify a Bitcoin address that you control as the recipient address (or perhaps a custodial BTC wallet that supports MAID, which Coinbase does not). Likewise for XRP you can’t send XRP to a BTC address.
Coinbase indicated that they cannot give me my private keys. Should I just wait and see if coinbase does maid in the future or is there a way I can get a Refund?
One suggestion is setup a bitcoin address with www.bitaddress.org and ask them to send the Maidsafe Coins to that. If you do this make sure you print off a copy of the private key when you create the address on www.bitaddress.org. Then you can import it later into a wallet to send the coins.
Second option(I don’t suggest this one) is if you have an account on one of the exchanges(poloniex.com or bittrex.com) have them send it to the deposit address on there.
There are the options I’ve thought off and some others may be able to provide you with more. I you could contact changelly, but I don’t see them issuing a refund.
What the hell is going on? ShapeShift used to do MAID, and now don’t.
It looks like Changelly used to do MAID, and now don’t!?!?!
Where can I go now? Do I have to go to a ‘regular’ exchange?
edit: I just wanted a tiny amount to test a LedgerWallet Nano S…
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