If anyone can give me a good elevator pitch for the safe network, I will post it on my stackoverflow request for safenetwork tag and give you credit for it.
Here is something I wrote earlier this week, it’s purpose is to be as basic as possible to attract attention and give focus to the purpose of the project. This maybe just a seed for something that maybe changed or added. But I post this anyway and let @dirvine, the dev team, marketing team and community give it thumbs up, discard or change it before it maybe can get posted in other places. This is just a draft and not a finished text.
Main mission
Maidsafe main mission is to create a decentralized data network that allows people freedom of expression, share and store content in a private and secure way without being censored, surveiled or personal information being stolen, or collected without consent.
Basic technical mission
Maidsafe is developing a peer-to-peer decentralized internet with a high focus on
security and privacy, giving users full controll of their personal data.
This one wasn’t bad.
Yep second that, great write up here The ‘Safe Network’ in 90 seconds. Yes, the one featured on Silicon… | by Kevin Cooper | safenetwork | Medium
Thanks guys!
I have edited the stackoverflow request to include the elevator pitch.
Credit goes to:
- Kevin Cooper from medium.com
- tobbetj
Very nice @folaht, I have upvoted and starred.
For future reference there is also this thread:
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