Maybe also worth mentioning when you go to Save the websitepage and disconnect completely from the internet. Click a few times on generate new address when you open up the saved webpage.
I would also advice that you split up your privatekey on 2 or 3 email addresses that way you got a back up.
I would split up the privkey above as follows:
email address (1) 5JvvFFq2ewDUyWjY4sP (1)
email address (2) 74ivCaBxts3iCjR (2)
email address (3) g6QSjjkvkYdrfLuT1 (3)
You could email these numbers to 3 family or friends. Don’t save your private key as a whole file this just makes it easy.
In the future you’ll have to access your coin, this is how you do it. I’m gonna use the Bitcoin Core for this example. But this can be done with other wallets as well.
Open up Bitcoin Core goto (help) / (debug window) click on tab (console)
Type (help) in the console and you’ll see a few commands. The only one that’s important to get at your coins is:
importprivkey “bitcoinprivkey” ( “label” rescan ) using my example privatekey above, you would type the command:
importprivkey 5JvvFFq2ewDUyWjY4sP74ivCaBxts3iCjRg6QSjjkvkYdrfLuT1
after this, you click on the enter button. Since your wallet has to sync with the bitcoin network it will take a while before you can see your coins.
After you finish and everything is synced up, you’ll see your public address show up in the (receive) tab in Bitcoin Core. Close your Bitcoin Core because if you don’t somebody can still see/access your privatekey when they goto (help) / (debug window) click on tab (console).
You can also password protect your privatekey. Through (settings )/ (Encrypt wallet). If you do this don’t forget your password. And before you type in:
importprivkey 5JvvFFq2ewDUyWjY4sP74ivCaBxts3iCjRg6QSjjkvkYdrfLuT1
You have to type the command:
walletpassphrase “here you type your password” 300 and press ENTER
The 300 is a timeout for 5 minutes, you can get it to something else 600 (10 minute time out) within this time period you should type in:
importprivkey 5JvvFFq2ewDUyWjY4sP74ivCaBxts3iCjRg6QSjjkvkYdrfLuT1
I would advice to pull this stunt on a totally clean computer with antivirus. A vps / tailslinux or whatever you prefer… Importing you privatekey can also be done with other wallets ofcourse, maybe in the future I’ll dig more into it.