Build Maidsafe on Manjaro (Arch-based) linux

I thought that I installed icu-staticlibs, but it seems that the build failed and I never noticed. I tried installing it again but it keeps giving me errors.

Here is the mess of output it gives me when I try to install if anyone is interested: Build icu-staticlibs-53.1-1 on Manjaro linux -

Instead I followed the advice on this thread - thanks @Ross! - and commented out these lines:

#      endif()
#      set(Boost${CamelCaseComponent}Libs Boost${CamelCaseComponent} ${IconvLib})
#    elseif(UNIX)
#      if(BSD)
#        find_library(IconvLib libiconv.a)
#        if(NOT IconvLib)
#          set(Msg "libiconv.a must be installed to a standard location.")
#          set(Msg "  For ${Msg} on FreeBSD 10 or later, run\n  pkg install libiconv")
#          message(FATAL_ERROR "${Msg}")
#        endif()
#        set(Boost${CamelCaseComponent}Libs Boost${CamelCaseComponent} ${IconvLib})
#      elseif(NOT ANDROID_BUILD)
#        find_library(Icui18nLib libicui18n.a)
#        find_library(IcuucLib libicuuc.a)
#        find_library(IcudataLib libicudata.a)
#        if(NOT Icui18nLib OR NOT IcuucLib OR NOT IcudataLib)
#          set(Msg "libicui18n.a, libicuuc.a & licudata.a must be installed to a standard location.")
#          set(Msg "  For ${Msg} on Ubuntu/Debian, run\n  sudo apt-get install libicu-dev")
#          message(FATAL_ERROR "${Msg}")
#        endif()
#        set(Boost${CamelCaseComponent}Libs Boost${CamelCaseComponent} ${Icui18nLib} ${IcuucLib} ${Ic$
#      endif()
#    else()
#      set(Boost${CamelCaseComponent}Libs Boost${CamelCaseComponent})
#    endif()
#  endif()

It seems to be working now.

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