I wonder if SAFE vault could run on these… what a massive opportunity on several fronts!
BBC gives children mini-computers in Make it Digital scheme:
The BBC will be giving away mini-computers to 11-year-olds across the country as part of its push to make the UK more digital.
One million Micro Bits - a stripped-down computer similar to a Raspberry Pi - will be given to all pupils starting secondary school in the autumn term.
The tiny programmable machine is still a prototype and the BBC is working with several partners, including chip-designer Arm, Microsoft and Samsung, to get the end product right.
When it launches in September it will be compatible with three coding languages - Touch Develop, Python and C++.
The device is tiny - fitting easily into the palm of a hand. Children will be able to create text via a series of LED lights and they will also be able to use it to create basic games.
The final version will have a Bluetooth link enabling it to be hooked up to other devices such as a Raspberry Pi.
After the first million Micro Bits go out to schools, there will be no more.