BasicEconomyTweaks [Early Technical Beta] Part Deux [Offline]

We have a new release out, following the testing of the recent alpha network.

Please see the following to upgrade your nodes and clients.

(We’re currently looking into the dead faucet and possible revival mechanisms, please bear with us there!)

Upgrading Nodes

There are two scenarios for upgrading your nodes, depending on whether you’re running them via the node manager or not.

Without Safenode Manager

If you’re not using the node manager, you need to stop your running nodes. If they are running in the foreground, you can use Ctrl+C. If they are running in the background:

pkill safenode # Linux
killall safenode #macOS
Get-Process safenode | Stop-Process # Windows Powershell

If you do not currently have the latest version of safeup (0.7), you may need to run to update your local safeup version:
curl -sSL | bash

After this, run safeup update to get the new version of the node. You should see output similar to the following:

$ safeup update
*                                    *
*          Updating components       *
*                                    *
Retrieving latest version for safe...
Latest version of safe is <NEW VERSION>
There is no previous installation for the safe component.
No update will be performed.

Retrieving latest version for safenode...
Latest version of safenode is <NEW VERSION>
Current version of safenode is 0.105.2
Updating safenode to <NEW VERSION>...
Installing safenode for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl at /home/<username>/.local/bin...
Installing safenode version <NEW VERSION>...
  [00:00:01] [########################################] 7.83 MiB/7.83 MiB (0s)

safenode <NEW VERSION> is now available at /home/<username>/.local/bin/safenode

Retrieving latest version for safenode-manager...
Latest version of safenode-manager is <NEW VERSION>
There is no previous installation for the safenode-manager component.
No update will be performed.

The update command will get the latest versions of all of the three binaries you have installed.

With Safenode Manager

If you are managing your nodes via safenode-manager, run the upgrade command. Output should be similar to the following:

$ sudo safenode-manager upgrade
           Upgrade Safenode Services
Retrieving latest version of safenode...
Latest version is <NEW VERSION>
Downloading safenode version <NEW VERSION>...
Download completed: /tmp/2a57b729-216c-4049-9357-6b79d2e9c70f/safenode
Refreshing the node registry...
Attempting to stop safenode1...
✓ Service safenode1 with PID 2513 was stopped
Attempting to start safenode1...
✓ Started safenode1 service
  - PID: 2676
  - Bin path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode1/safenode
  - Data path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode1
  - Logs path: /var/log/safenode/safenode1
Attempting to stop safenode2...
✓ Service safenode2 with PID 2521 was stopped
Attempting to start safenode2...
✓ Started safenode2 service
  - PID: 2732
  - Bin path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode2/safenode
  - Data path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode2
  - Logs path: /var/log/safenode/safenode2
Attempting to stop safenode3...
✓ Service safenode3 with PID 2529 was stopped
Attempting to start safenode3...
✓ Started safenode3 service
  - PID: 2787
  - Bin path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode3/safenode
  - Data path: /var/safenode-manager/services/safenode3
  - Logs path: /var/log/safenode/safenode3
Upgrade summary:
✓ safenode1 upgraded from 0.105.2 to <NEW VERSION>
✓ safenode2 upgraded from 0.105.2 to <NEW VERSION>
✓ safenode3 upgraded from 0.105.2 to <NEW VERSION>

Upgrading the Client

If you’ve obtained the safe client via safeup, you only need to issue an update command:

$ safeup update
*                                    *
*          Updating components       *
*                                    *
Retrieving latest version for safe...
Latest version of safe is <NEW CLIENT VERSION>
Current version of safe is 0.90.1
Updating safe to <NEW CLIENT VERSION>...
Installing safe for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl at /home/<username>/.local/bin...
Installing safe version <NEW CLIENT VERSION>...
  [00:00:02] [########################################] 9.91 MiB/9.91 MiB (0s)

safe <NEW CLIENT VERSION> is now available at /home/<username>/.local/bin/safe

Retrieving latest version for safenode...
Latest version of safenode is <NEW VERSION>
There is no previous installation for the safenode component.
No update will be performed.

Retrieving latest version for safenode-manager...
Latest version of safenode-manager is 0.7.4-alpha.1
There is no previous installation for the safenode-manager component.
No update will be performed.

Please note: if you already used safeup to upgrade your node, the client will have been updated at the same time. For those using the node manager, you will need to run safeup update to get a new client.


Note: I had to reinstall safeup in order to execute safeup update. I suppose this might be the case for people that haven’t taken part to the alpha network, so might be a good idea to add curl -sSL | bash to the instructions?


added thanks!


Upgrade summary:
✓ safenodeX upgraded from 0.105.2 to 0.105.6

so far this was an easy one :smiley:

edit: wrong pc - thought my savings had been gone -.-" …


I moved this to its own topic because new people will not search through 600 posts and realise there is a new upgraded beta testnet and instructions given anew


Not new, just upgraded. (Well, community nodes so far, our own nodes are not yet upgraded. Small infra dep before we can do that)


Well the instructions were given anew and people will see it as new. I’ll edit my post to say upgraded


hmhmmm - okay - then it might be expected behaviour to see downloads succeed but uploads fail :thinking:

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It’s not expected. What are you seeing fail? (It’s not clear how many nodes would have upgraded yet, eg, so I don’t actually expect there to have been much impact on this yet)

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safe files upload dhcpcd.conf -b1

Logging to directory: “~/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-04-10_09-01-15”
Built with git version: f532de4 / stable / f532de4 / 2024-04-10
Instantiating a SAFE client…
Trying to fetch the bootstrap peers from
Connecting to the network with 50 peers
:link: Connected to the Network Splitting and uploading “dhcpcd.conf” into 3 chunks
0: Failed to upload chunk batch: Multiple consecutive network errors reported during upload

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Can you share the logs that are erroring here please :bowing_man:


I tried downloading my various files/blogs (including the big RustRover-233.14015.155.tar.gzl) and all was fine. I had to drop batch size to 1 to get RustRover-233.14015.155.tar.gz.2 to download, but it completed successfully.

So, I updated and killed my 10 nodes. On restarting them, it looks like they’re having trouble finding peers:

Looking at the logs on the first node, this bit looks interesting:

[2024-04-10T07:18:02.409617Z ERROR sn_node::node] Failed to dial /ip4/ DialError(DialPeerConditionFalse(NotDialing))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.409630Z ERROR sn_node::node] Failed to dial /ip4/ DialError(DialPeerConditionFalse(NotDialing))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.409625Z ERROR sn_node::node] Failed to dial /ip4/ DialError(DialPeerConditionFalse(NotDialing))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.409682Z ERROR sn_node::node] Failed to dial /ip4/ DialError(DialPeerConditionFalse(NotDialing))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.409686Z ERROR sn_node::node] Failed to dial /ip4/ DialError(DialPeerConditionFalse(NotDialing))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.437279Z INFO sn_networking::event] external address: new candidate has the same configured port, adding it. address=/ip4/
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.617638Z ERROR sn_networking::event] IncomingConnectionError from local_addr:?"/ip4/", send_back_addr "/ip4/" on ConnectionId(301) with error Transport(Other(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: Connection(ConnectionError(ConnectionClosed(ConnectionClose { error_code: APPLICATION_ERROR, frame_type: None, reason: b"" }))) } }))
[2024-04-10T07:18:02.665933Z ERROR sn_networking::event] IncomingConnectionError from local_addr:?"/ip4/", send_back_addr "/ip4/" on ConnectionId(302) with error Transport(Other(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: Connection(ConnectionError(ConnectionClosed(ConnectionClose { error_code: APPLICATION_ERROR, frame_type: None, reason: b"" }))) } }))

Particularly the last ‘reason: b’ logs.

Prior to the update, I had lots of peers and everything seemed fine.


Okay, interesting stuff!

I’ll see if we have any of those contacts and see why things are being rejected. (that’s your connections being rudely closed w/o feedback to get that error)

Edit: I dont see any solid reason this is not working from the logs there. I can see the same issues our node end w/r/t closed connections :thinking:


Same error…

0: Failed to upload chunk batch: Multiple consecutive network errors reported during upload (42.8 KB)


Hey @digipl! I think you’re running an older version there? Can you make sure that the version is the latest one - sn_cli 0.90.4
The logs should also show the date on which the binary was created.

Built with git version: f532de4 / stable / f532de4 / 2024-04-10
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imac27@iMac-de-Imac27 Desktop % safe --version
sn_cli 0.90.4

Aha, I think the log file that you have attached there is a very old one. Dates back to December of last year!

[2023-12-18T16:54:29.205320Z DEBUG safe] Built with git version: 50a05ab / main / 50a05ab
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Log today…


thanks for jumping in … somehow i can’t upload my logs …