Feature: Sweeping nanos
I mentioned here that it would be nice ifsafe wallet
would support--peer-id
to point to a node wallet just likesafe wallet balance
For the time being, moving a node’s wallet directory to the client directory is not working yet. Using safe wallet balance I got thisI/O error: File exists (os error 17).
Is some tmp file interfering? -
Feature: Reading node status
Similarly, it would be nice ifsafenode --status
would report node status.
For the time being I am considering @neo’s suggestion to use grpcurl.
I have started a node including--rpc <IP>:<RPCport>
and now am trying to figure out the last step. Something like:grpcurl -plaintext -proto safenode.proto <IP>:<RPCport> SafeNode/NodeInfo
ErrorsError invoking method "SafeNode/NodeInfo": target server does not expose service "SafeNode"