(I keep falling in love with code/ideas in this space)

Again this is not investment advice, but when real monetary innovation happens in our space we should applaud it and be happy that there are people out there that make it happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s fun and all to have cryptocurrencies, but until now we still primarily had to depend on centralized exchanges, now we can just depend on smartcontracts. :kissing_heart: Moreover every token can have value even outside it’s small community.

I hope when we can exchange Maidsafecoin 1:1 into SAFEcoin, that the Maidsafe devs will also enable a 1:1 for all blockchain assets into MutableData.

I think the Bancor protocol will be more powerful when implemented on bitcoin through Rootstock.
Ethereum has inflation, but what happens when you have a 10% of bitcoin as reserve token?

This could also make any Coinprism, Counterparty and Omni token liquid. Even better no more centralized exchanges needed. This is even better than a decentralized exchange, because your sending tokens to a smartcontract. :kissing_heart:

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Oooh yeah about ICO, I was suppose to have a mini ico for my project, but we had a few server issues that’s why we completely skipped that. But to be real honest I’m exploring ways to give the investors something really worth investing in.

For instance the Bancor crowdsale gave investors a price floor:
funny enough now the price floor of 0.01 Eth is now gone :rofl:
I think Bancor’s mistake was to allow BNT tokenholder to send their BNT tokens to the Bancor smartcontract in exchange for Ether (which is the reserve token), if they disabled this function in their smartcontract the tokenholders would be forced to exchange their token at exchanges and the price floor would remain intact.

Another interesting thing I heard like yesterday in this interview:

Was accountability
People in this space seem to just come up with ideas, that raise millions and hide behind agreements/contracts. What if you don’t deliver? How are you going to compensate people that wasted their time/money on you? In the back of my head I hear Erik Voorhees saying “people should expect projects to fail and most projects fail” LOL

Hmmmmm what I would love to get feedback for is my latest idea/feature:
Instead of letting people buy a token, they can reserve advertising space on our ad platform and in the future they can tokenize it or use it to advertise, feedback please :kissing_heart:

I won’t keep adding features and go on forever with absorbing how to do a crowdsale, it will come, but with protection for the people who support us and a few fun surprises. I said it before the end game for all my apps/ideas are SAFE Network. Sorry to every one who was expecting my ICO, who I ignored to just add more features to our app…