Article About Post Capitalism

Why did you buy MAID when it came out, knowing that you by definition can’t use it?
That is, you’ll be able to use Safecoin, which will be widely available when it comes out? From the perspective of your comment above, it would seem more reasonable to use BTC or whatever you had originally, and not buy MAID, but you didn’t do it.

Edit: just in case it’s not clear, and I’m pretty sure it’s not because of what you wrote: if you don’t own anything, why save?

What is the point of having Safecoin, then? I actually proposed having a coinless Safnet to stress-test the network and launch it faster.
Safecoins could be completely lotterized and given away randomly.

Unrelated to this Safecoin stuff, what I don’t understand is how someone can think that others would like to give their possessions away just because it’d be a cool thing to do. Charity and donations weren’t invented in that Guardian article. If you donate your time to a Github project you don’t own, you’re part of the “new” economy.

But you maybe need a PC with 16GB of RAM for that, and in order to get that RAM you need to have a way to get it before the store runs away of it, which it would most definitively do if it was giving it away to every RAM beggar. You need to pay more than zero (and so on, until you outbid the last person bidding for the last DIMM you need.) And more importantly, if you don’t do that, you’d end up with 2 or 0 GB of RAM and remain unable to donate your time to that project. That’s where the house of cards starts going down.

See the screenshot here: