This article is mainly about a new project Dfinity which sounds a bit like Storj for computation, but mentions SAFE and Solid among others, as well as David Irvine.
Yea I spoke with Will yesterday, a nice fella. I met him in 2015 in the new scientist and he wrote up a piece there with Sally Adee. It’s a good article, but “nowhere near release” is probably a miscommunication. We discussed Fleming, Maxwell and I had jokingly said it’s scary because there are so many Scottish inventors I hope we don’t need to use more of them -)
Might be worth it to try to get that one corrected. (Though I don’t know how exactly, when we don’t have timeframes.) Maybe it could just be removed.
I also don’t like how it is said that you admit that release is not near. Like there would have been a claim that it is near and when pressured you admit it’s not true.
Yea I think it’s just English and it’s flexibility, I wish we all spoke latin actually, seems more accurate. Here he means admit as in agree.
I will ping Will to see though what he thinks
I think to be honest he has a theme he was looking to get across “changing public behaviour in the face of powerful incumbents is hard” and he reported his interviewees in a way that supports this idea. Every other paragraph ends with a “But…”. You may be able to persuade him to tweak it a bit to make it more nuanced though. Worth a try.
Well it is matter of perspective, nowhere near means different things to different people.
I’m not offended by the statement.
Exactly. My wild guess was 2022 for beta. Right on target for me but I may have to reassess mid 2021.
I wonder if $100 million capital raising would have made any difference to timescale for Safenet
I actually think we are in a good place and more cash in that scale would not have helped. The focus on engineering a product now is very sharp. More cash would be more departments and offices and fancy plants and decor that costs tons and takes a ton of time.
So to me the tight small team who can debate out issues with no personality stuff or bias and with a focus always on delivery is way more powerful than a large company of opposing “teams”. I recon till the product launches the single team single goal is way more powerful and efficient. Mind you I would love to double everyone’s salary, so there is that
There are lots of exciting steps between now and a full public release. I’m very excited about the immediate future.
With these new articles popping up, could we get a vault from home test network running again?
Won’t be long now. We need a few bits to click, but we are pushing them together.