Are Safe Vaults servers or not: a discussion

Usage of the diagram without understanding the essence of the diagram and what was being replied to

What I said went over your head didn’t it, very obviously. Network engineers look after your routers which by your definitions are servers since they serve up data to other “servers” routers and finally to the end machines. Just like vaults do. Routers reply to requests and make requests of “servers” so they are both the client and server under your definitions. But of course everyone uses the term router to describe what routers do. So to with machines that dish up data on request use more appropriate words to describe their function. But no you go all extreme and by your definition everything is a server unless it has no energy. and why the fundamentals say in the usual sense

So network engineers very well do know what servers are since programming routers for networking into/out of servers is different to programming routers for a P2P network. And of course sys admins, which I included are intimately aware of what servers are.

Thus the reason why I can say that vaults are not servers in the usual usage of servers when talking about the internet. But you wanted to play word games and take the extreme usage of the word.

But both network engineers and sys admins work with real servers all day long in their jobs and they know the definitions. I prefer to use the usual usage of the words when talking networking (computers and protocols) devices.

What amazes me is that you proclaim to know that vaults are servers yet do not know how the basics of the safe network works. For instance you did not know that one large archive vault could not be the safe network in any shape of form. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of vaults and sections know that one vault cannot be a safe network since a vault cannot operate without being in a section which has many vaults. But I gather you do now know.

[quote=“zeroflaw, post:83, topic:25188”]
If the network slowly shutdown and only one vault was left standing, it was an enormous archive node , the network would still operate. With this single vault, it would just now be centralised. Or are you saying you would need a minimum of 8 nodes to create one group that contains all the sections?
In here there is expressed a few misunderstandings of how things work. The network needs at least one section. It is senseless to say 8 nodes to create one group that contains all the sections. It shows that you know the words but do not understand what they are.

Yes we know. But can I suggest that you learn a bit more about how the network is built. A little more than than you’ve shown here which really amounted to knowing a few words and that vaults store data.

Agreed and this is going to be my last post.

I am about to retire tonight, but I agree and maybe the other @moderators can split off this discussion into its own topic. What category I am not sure though.