Who else do we have here from Australia?
I’m in Melbourne.
If anyone from Melbourne wants to meetup for a coffee and a yarn over some MaidSafe topics would be good.
Who else do we have here from Australia?
I’m in Melbourne.
If anyone from Melbourne wants to meetup for a coffee and a yarn over some MaidSafe topics would be good.
Yea, from AU, but north of Victoria
For Melbourne have a look at these posts (found by searching melbourne)
I am from north queensland…
Yep, Peter here from Melbourne, active member at Melbourne Bitcoin Technology Centre, very keen on Crypto 2.0 projects, most especially SafeNetwork. We meet every Wed, this week we’re talking about SafeNetwork as it happens. Login to Meetup | Meetup Register and roll up, you’ll be most welcome. If you’re also interested in Ethereum, we are workshopping getting a node running on Thursday this week, Login to Meetup | Meetup. Hope we see you there
Hey Pete. Thanks for the invite mate.
Wednesday the Mrs has Yoga. I’ll suss it out for another day for sure!
Will PM you.
I’m not sure how I feel about Ethereum yet
No worries, hope to see you roll up sometime soon.
While I’m very keen on SafeNetwork, all Crypto 2.0 interests me, including
Storj, IPFS, Factom and Ethereum. The more the merrier and the less chance
that things get shut down.
Once per month we have a more formal presentation organised by Alan Sen,
this falls on a Thursday.
You should register on the meetup so that you get reminders and
p probertson@7dimensions.com.aueter@p-robertson.com
Peter Robertson Consulting Pty Ltd
M +61 407 908 857
Nice plug Pete lolz…!
I’m in Tassie … but originally a yank.
Bump bump.
Been a while lads.
Let us know where you are at.
Might finally get around to holding another event in Melbourne.
Might be good to do something mid-Feb in Melbourne, I’m hoping to host some drinks around the 17th Feb.
This sounds good. I’m up for this. I’m in the South East. City is not a problem.
@mav is busy so I am posting, its in the city at around 5:30pm on the 17th (this sunday)
Where are you lads meeting?
Ian said it was the Duke Of Wellington pub
Are you the only one coming along as well @goindeep? More a question to the others in Melbourne.
I’ve gotta see. I don’t think I realized the time and date before. I’m just going to decide last minute I think. My issue is I’m like 50 minutes out from the city.