54% of teenagers want to become a ‘celebrity’ so it’s probably safe to assume that they aren’t overly concerned about their privacy…83% of adults have a social media accounts and if we’'re looking at those aged between 16 and 34 that figure rises to 98% so it would seem to suggest that we are not overly concerned about privacy (atm) since most of these accounts are open to the public. For me that’s the biggest reason why people haven’t invested in Maidsafe - Maidsafe is a brilliant idea but in my opinion and i think others it’s not a big enough concern for most internet users…that’s not to say it wont be in the future but I think it’s going to take something huge to convince the current market that they need to take action. ‘Whilst 81% of social media users feel that their information is not very secure or private they still use these services on a daily basis’…only 9% of teenage users express that they are concerned about their social media accounts not being ‘private’.
Did you know that 83 percent of all statistics are made up. Where are your sources?
Concern for privacy varies a lot from place to place. In Germany for example it is high, in the UK quite low. It is also a cycle - a pendulum - like so many things, and the direction of change is already established. It won’t take something big - by which you imply improbable - because it is already happening and the pendulum is swinging. At the same time many things are happening to accelerate this.
I don’t find your reasoning sound, and there is plenty of evidence that what you imply is not going to happen is already happening.
Many of us wouldn’t even be here if we did not completely disagree with you. Security breaches, identity theft, massive surveillance, all of these things happen every day. There are many victims and it’s only becoming worse, people care.
I think to attract the mass something like synereo could help because I believe people will be able to import their existing contacts into the new platform and synereo will be a total new experience for the user; working with amp will give them value to work with and learn to know cryptocurrency. Don’t know if synereo has plans to cooperate but for maidsafe it could be cool I think…
Lose your privacy- lose your voice- lose your rights- become the property of slime.
You become a ghost and then you get converted to fuel. Its canabalism.
Transparency, privacy, empowerment
Secrecy, sponsorship, censorship, bribery/graft, blackmail, propaganda, spying, militarization, terror, torture, consevative eugenic ideology, slavery, plutonomy, dictatorship, monarchy.
We are either moving toward one or the other. Regessing back to the hell of Monarchy (a fate worse than human extinction) is not out of the question. Real monarchy in practice is worse than the defacto genocide of all who live under it. Zombies have a better fate because at least they are unconscious. It subjects the lives of all who live under it to the endless idiotic whims of manufactured psychopaths.
Isn’t it curious that Marx, the Father, Christ, Mohammad and the recently much maligned Sharia law were/are all strongly against rule by inherited wealth. This is a great contribution of Semetic culture.
OK…so by your own (confusing) figures 100% of adult social media users recognise that their info is neither secure, nor private. (81% + 19%). Only 19% do anything about it though…the limited available options with ease of use for the average Joe, probably contributes to this statistic. (The only other interpretation of your “stats” is that 100% of people don’t do anything to address privacy/security concerns…which is obviously not the case.)
Furthermore, “only” 9% of teenagers “express that they are concerned” - 9% of teenagers is a lot of people. The issue is also one that is becoming more widely recognised as a concern as time goes on. There is also a Network effect to consider, particularly among this teenage group.
I don’t see anything to worry about from your figures tbh…
What I am saying is that for Maidsafe to be adopted by the masses it needs the masses to be concerned enough about their privacy to want to take action…until they are maidsafe wont be adopted and safecoin will not go up.
Of course the majority of people on here are concerned about their privacy but the number of people using this forumn is incredibly small so in a way our views count for very little.
Businesses and corporations care about security. If you can save a buck on rock solid security why wouldn’t you? It might be a fast or very slow adoption but it will happen.
All against Usury rather, I think. Insofar as Sharia law being “maligned” - I’d say rightly so - it is malignant …as are any other legal systems based on Religious teachings…inserting an imaginary “Higher Power” whose wishes can only be interpreted by the Priests/Imams.
Let’s cut to the chase @Natalie_Bertoncello ……you are merely stating the obvious; people won’t use new tech until they recognise the benefit of doing so. This could be applied to anything……I wonder what the “stats” were about how many people saw the benefit of the telephone, computer or Internet, prior to their mass adoption?
So me and thousands of others who believed and invested does not exist?Safenetwork has not yet released.Let’s talk, when the network be implemented.If the people don’t care about their safety, why so popular Telegram?In October 2013, Telegram had 100,000 daily active users.On 24 March 2014, Telegram announced that it has reached 35 million monthly users and 15 million daily active usersIn October 2014, South Korean governmental surveillance plans drove many of its citizens to switch to Telegram.In December 2014, Telegram announced they had 50 million active users, generating 1 billion daily messages and that they had 1 million new users signing up on their service every week;traffic doubled in five months with 2 billion daily messages. In September 2015, an announcement stated the app had 60 million active users and delivered 12 billion daily messages.Summing it up,if you hate the maidsafe,why are you here?
What is your goal?
Privacy and security is an issue that concerns the masses. In a recent survey of 28,000 EU citizens, 67% of respondents are concerned about not having complete control over their own data while half of all respondents cited ‘becoming a victim of fraud’ as the most serious risk affecting their personal information.
This is also an issue that effects companies. A research report by the Ponemon Institute suggests that the average consolidated total cost to companies of a data breach was $3.8 million in 2015, with the average cost incurred for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive and confidential information around $154. With the costs (both financial and reputation) there are few companies that could afford to overlook the security of their data.
As for why more people haven’t bought coins, I would suggest that proof points are extremely important with new technology and as the network roll out continues and companies and early adopters start to use the network we will see this change.
Is your concern about the price of safecoin? That seems immaterial to whether SAFE network is successful. I don’t think SAFE network needs to become universal to be very useful.
For people who don’t care about privacy, they can continue doing so until that lack of care hurts them, but I think the care about privacy today is more than it has been in the past and will continue to increase. It’s like door locks, some places people might not care about locking their doors. But after a few things are stolen, they will. I don’t think we’ve seen the last data breach or the last government violation of privacy.
I think it may be that certain segments of society wish to project the idea that privacy doesn’t matter, mainly those segments that are profiting off violating it. You may be receiving and swallowing some of this propaganda as well, possibly. We need to separate the power projection from the reality and also realize that manipulated people may one day wake up and have a reversal of opinion when they realize their best interests were not being cared for.
Moderators, why isn’t present ignore button? =) This is stupid trolling:
https: //safenetforum.org/users/natalie_bertoncello/activity
A lot of people do not realise that MaidSafe can eventually provide alternatives to things like Facebook, Gmail etc, whilst also retaining their privacy and not sharing their data to third parties. People are becoming more aware and concerned about these issues in great part due to Wikileaks and the Snowden revelations of mass surveilance leaks. Before this a lot of people were unaware of how deeply they were being monitored. Some were in the know for a very long time and indeed in some countries there was always a greater concern for privacy (Germany springs to mind).
The UK started to release peoples private medical records to third parties a year or two ago and required people to sign that they did not want their details shared in order for them to be kept secret. A lot of people were unaware that this was even happening and thus their details were shared.
Still, you seem concerned about the number of investors in this project. At the end of the day people are the main contributing factor in this project rather than investors. Investors have already invested enough to make this project a reality, which is all that was really required in order for it to begin. Now there is no stopping it, and you can be sure that it will gain traction. All of the people I know would boycott Facebook, Gmail, Google, Amazon etc given viable SAFE alternatives and they are not even necessarily tech savvy, simply concerned about the direction the world is walking in.
I’ve said heaps of times that i am a fan of what maidsafe is doing so saying that i am a maid safe hater isn’t correct…i thought this was a forumn which invited open discussion s about anything related to maid safe but obviously it’s nothing more than a fan site…so in view of that adios amigos and good luck x
I think this kind of sums it up. It’s not that most people aren’t concerned with privacy. In fact A LOT of people are concerned with privacy on several levels The problem is how do you express yourself and connect with others while at the same time maintaining your privacy? Also there’s mass ignorance about the dangers of various social media outlets AND practically every major way people communicate with one another uses these methods. My local community economy relies heavily on facebook. So if I want to buy or sell sell anything from people locally or connect with the community then I need to keep Facebook. Then there’s things like family, or activism. Then there’s Youtube for example. Yes there are other video outlets but they are scarcely used. Everyone uses Youtube, ergo everyone uses Google. Even the maidsafe community here uses Google. I find it rather ironic that SAFEPress is being created using Google groups when SAFEPress is supposed to be used to promote privacy and security. But all this just goes to illistrate my point. If we all were to give up Facebook, Twitter, Google, where would it leave us? Disconnected and without the essential web apps we’ve come to rely on to get things done. So it’s less that people aren’t concerned about privacy but it’s how do you maintain privacy while connecting and getting things done. People don’t want to be hermits in order to be private.
In order to make change happen you need to make the old system obsolete.
Yeah see I dont really agree with that because for every one of those figures and bits of data you quoted I could quote the exact opposite.
For example: 71% of 2,100 US respondents above the age of 18 to a Harris survey published on Business Wire in 2014 said they where concerned about people accessing their bank and financial data. 27% of those same respondents also stated that they were concerned about photos referencing them online. LINK HERE.
68% of 792 Internet users surveyed by Pew say they believe it is very important that only they or those they authorise have access to their email content. LINK HERE.
I could go on and on like this.
Like @happybeing said. In certain places and specific groups of people are very interested in and about privacy.
He gave a great example about Germany. My wife is German and I can tell you that almost none of her friends post pictures of their children online and when they do they will blank out or PS the images.
You seem to be quite negative in your thinking around SAFE from what I can tell, so the question is if you don’t like the idea then why are you here?
Price speculation through a “what if questions?”…
I think if the safe network get’s million active users all farming or spending on the network, it will be successful beginning.
There are a 100 hundred different reasons why people want to use safe network, and privacy is just one small factor.
A good eCommerce platform with no fee’s will get millions of people.
I think the better question is how can the safe network apply smart contracts on the network for trust-less purchasing.
Why not do a list of what is positive about the safe network and the negatives and see what we come up with…