About Masterxchange

I made two transfer from masterxchange to my wallet using masterchestwallet (https://masterchest.info/wallet.aspx) and the bitcoin-qt. (This only work in windows).

Download and run bitcoin-qt. Wait for the full blockchain and edit your bitcoin.conf with the following

Close and run bitcoin-qt again, say yes to reindex. When finish run masterchestwallet and wait for the blockchain. When the masterchestwallet is finish go to addresses and you can find the address to move your maidsafecoin (this address is one of your bitcoin wallet).
Copy this address and in masterxchange ask for a withdrawal. In hours you can see a little transaction in your bitcoin wallet and your maidsafecoin in the masterchestwallet.

Before send all your maidsafecoin made a test with few coins.

There are other solution with the omniwallet (https://test.omniwallet.org/) who work in linux o mac but I don’t try it.