So, the EU is doing the unthinkable. And is passing article 13 and article 11. It will be signed into law at the latest 2 years from now in the member states.
These mean that there will be no more Google, no more Youtube, no more Twitch, no more Reddit, no public forums of any kind, so no Twitter, no Imgur, no anything that makes the internet good. We’ll still have bloody RT and the assorted state-run media companies, those won’t be affected… But we’ll be geolocked out of the rest of the internet entirely, because nobody will want to touch the EU with anything shorter than a space elevator cable.
There will be literal riots, there will be anarchy as people who are used to thinking they’re free are suddenly faced with the reality of the world, that we’re enslaved to morons. Even if they repeal it, the EU’s reputation will take decades (centuries?) to build back up. “Hey, remember that time when you tried to go full China? I do. Good luck getting us to do anything even remotely like what you want, EU.”
I see no other project that even has the potential to make this kind of legislation impossible. You HAVE to succeed, the lives of a majority of the EU depend on you. Literally.
Apologies for the tone, but this news makes me so very angry and so very anxious. It just underlines how there’s no time left. You NEED to have a functioning (usable for the general public) version of this software done in one year, to allow for adoption before the fecal matter makes contact with the air circulation device.