Where does the content reward money come from?

That’s perfectly fine, I’ve nothing against that. I posted all previous comments from iPad and it’s hassle to type and edit.

I re-read the poll on PtP. Ideally, yes, content creators should benefit.
But in real life, firstly we don’t know who is the creator, secondly, we don’t know what they’re uploading (could be complete garbage), and thirdly all methods proposed so far (including the current approach) are open to abuse.

So my point is the problem isn’t as much in how everyone should be rewarded, but how the app and coin economics can be fixed to prevent abuse. That is the fundamental question and the level of difficulty is great.

It’s not enough to merely prevent “most blatant” abuse. As long as any abuse is possible, that’s the kind of abuse that will happen on a constant basis. If PtP or any other way could solve that, then it’d be easy to have different approaches including those that you proposed. But at the moment whichever is used, the network is guaranteed to be abused. That is the real problem as I see it.