Live stream
If you find it, remember who told you to look.
Jolla mind 2.
Mammoth folks. We are still so far under the radar its not even a blip.
Going to be HUGE.
Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator in a Chromium-based browser:
And why chromium is both a huge security risk and a versatile browser
this is wild
@Dimitar I suspect that you will know this, does any network have more?
Are we number 1 for most nodes?
Node count is climbing the wall! If i check this evening, will we have cracked 1m?!
I know that Solana has 1 node and stops often, however it is super successful… the craziness of crypto!
Check out the Dev Forum
I think bitcoin is 20 something thousand.
If we are number 1 that is something we should be yelling on tweeter.
Interesting IPFS comparison.
Fewer than 10k server nodes always online. About 900k total nodes though, including clients (not sure what a client vs server does, mind!).
10k vs 600k is an eye opener though!
Incredible achievement.
no matter how you twist or turn it that’s a massive amount …
Autonomi is yelling about node numbers on X.
But, if it’s hard to upload & the network isn’t easy to use to do some cool stuff, after TGE the numbers could drop rapidly if the incentives are relatively low, so boasting about something that could easily reverse may not be wise?
Also, while there are many nodes, when 1 powerful machine can run hundreds / thousands of nodes, I’m not sure it’s the best thing to brag about either.
Though I think it may not be the best thing to shout about, it has been hugely impressive how since the start of beta, the resource requirement for nodes in terms of CPU, Memory, and bandwidth, have all fallen rapidly as the team keeps improving the software.
It’s shaping up to being a very efficient network!
True, I am optimistic that the new network will sort out a bunch of the gripes. Especially interested to see the results of health check on nodes.
I have to agree with @DavidMc0 here, while 600k heading for 1m is very impressive, at this stage that can only be down to a few dozen larger players. If we could be confident we had 20-50k incividuals running 10-30 nodes each then I would be screaming from the rooftops.
I think a more realistic yardstick of our current “market penetration” would be the numbers on the forum, Discord and other social media platforms.
But please please dont let me stop you tweeting thusly…
From Troon to the Moon!
Autonomi now has >600k nodes!!Check out the new improved internet at
etc etc
My excitement for the numbers is not so much how may operators are running them (we really don’t know) but the fact is we are standing firm and strong with those numbers.
Yes I know there is room for improvements but 600k.
Remember not too long ago we didn’t stand up for 3 days.
yes - it cannot be denied that the improvements in stability and resource usage are nothing other than spectacular.
I still want to see a robust test program to validate all this though.