What’s up today? (Part 1)

Absolutely, hurry up safenetwork. Looking forward to this type of shit not happening ever again.

Pretty wild that this is likely to get passed. Protecting people? National security? Lol.


Yea like the data retention laws were specifically to not target journalists with supposed protections for them. But the journalists were the first group to have data retention used against them.

These new laws will see the journalists and others who embarrass the government targetted. And government ministers will continue to use wickr or wire which this law cannot target since there is no one in Australia to compel or fine

Under the terms of the deal, law enforcement agencies will not be able to issue technical capability notices for companies to build back doors unless both the attorney general and communications minister approve.

Yea as if they wouldn’t agree to anything the government wants. Backdoors here we come for all australian presence companies. EG Google, Apple, and many others.

SAFE couldn’t come fast enough.


This guy on the video has a favorite project, among 3, his second one is SafeNetwork! He only forgets that a project based on blockchains like bitcoin, has a heavy burden on electricity and the environment whilst Maidsafe will be much greener and faster!


Is that what we’re calling them these days?

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Australia not USA. Maybe not the quality of 30 years ago, but we still have investigative journalists in Australia who do uncover serious Government crime. Well maybe that will be gone soon with these laws.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about journalism

Many Twitter users couldn’t resist noting that Mr. Giuliani, who spent 16 years as a security consultant, was originally brought into the Trump administration as a cybersecurity adviser. (He certainly has more digital know-how than Japan’s cybersecurity chief, who recently admitted that he doesn’t use computers.)

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Sometimes I wonder if there’s an overdose warning on the red pill bottle or if people are just popping them like candy these days?


No offense but I don’t speak in internet memes or gifs. I’m not singling anyone out here especially because everyone is as welcome here and to their own opinion just as much as anyone else.

My (possibly uniformed) opinion is that the fringe puts as much weight into alternative media as the masses do with corporate media. Which to me seems foolish as if someone like Alex Jones has nothing to gain from spewing nonsense. He sells supplements that play off of the fear mongering he does. The NRA does it too with guns. “Oh no the dems will take your guns!!!” Cha-Ching! Money in the bank, repeat. I am fine with guns by the way, shoot them all the time. Also doesn’t mean every unstable Tom, Dick, and Sally should have one.

People are addicted to uncovering some “unknown truth” (conspiracy theories) or thinking they live in much more significance than any other time in history. People on the internet are full of sh*t and have no credentials or accountability. Why would I believe what some internet rando says as much as I should believe what the corporate news media are pedaling to gain the red or blue teams veiwership? The internet has its perks but the echo chambers, tribalism, etc need addressing imo.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about Qanon, Trump etc


This isn’t your grandpa’s conspiracy theory, but you’re welcome in advance. Luckily, it’s not one of those things that’s going to drag on. There is a rough deadline for it.

I agree that most of us here are truth-seeking patriots trying to make the world better. We each bring different things to the table. My technical ability to contribute to SAFE at this stage is limited. I notice a few areas where I can contribute my knowledgebases here and there, but it seems like waiting patiently and talking to others about SAFE is the extent of what many can offer for the moment. My only consistent contribution, beside my sometimes-funny memes, insider-only one-liners and :poop:coin minimalism, is offering bits and pieces of interesting content that I find which have varying levels of relevance to a future decentralized network. Few people read as much and as widely as I do, so I can’t really expect people to recognize all of the connections that I see. Most people here understand the potential and vision of SAFE. That said, what I can offer is a bit of how much more important SAFE really is, both in terms of the future potential but also in terms of just how really corrupt what we have now is. People have no idea. Neither did I years ago, but maybe ignorance is bliss in this case.

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there is only one Conspiracy Theory I like to pick on the so called intelligent guys… it´s the moon landing… it is so amusing to play with that! But really conspiracy theories like Chem Trails is so dumb… hahaha

NASA was always a slush fund, Buzz. Space Force!


People conspire, in private, and align interests and plans to pursue the outcomes that benefit them. Simple.

The term “conspiracy theory” gets used a rhetorical tool that can and is used to dismiss rational inquiry. While at uni as a mature age student 10 years ago I talked of mass scale propaganda machines and a complex network of individuals and organisations pursuing agendas. I was labeled and dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” by many people, fellow students and lecturers. I did however get the opportunity to get validation from some of my Professors, albeit in private. I later worked as an investigative journalist in PNG, there was conspiracies, AUSTrade, ASIO, PNG politicians, mining companies, fishing companies, Chinese gov and the IMF. It happens, more than most people want realise, but being able to get to reasonable and logical conclusions is hard, there are frequently gaps in data, sources that are unobtainable, sometimes sources that end up “missing”, or when you finally get your hands on offical document, elements are redacted.

You look at things like https://littlesis.org/ and infer from the relationships between people and entities some hypothesis to test and validate through primary and secondary research, and rigorous data analysis. Use the model of the Military-Industrial Complex, applied to Big Pharma, Healthcare, IT etc etc. It is a rabbit hole no doubt and there is an underlying neurochemical mechanism that gets many people “hooked”. Wild assumptions get made that fuel the neurochemically facilitated habit/behaviour further.

Ease of access to web publishing tools, add ideologically based (personal)data-driven multivariate tested presentation of digital content to shape public perception and it becomes evident that is easier to maintain complex conspiracies than it was several decades ago. Division ensues, the tribalism you refer to @Nigel.

To come to logical conclusions and problem definitions it all takes time, a methodology and focus on hypothesis testing. Some people as autodidacts can learn these approaches themselves, most need some structured training/education. An approach and endeavour many looking for “truth” are unwilling to pursue. The need for delayed gratification is also intolerable. Besides, there are more exciting and personally meaningful things in life to devote energy to. Majority of people think and pursue goals in reference to days, weeks, months and years. A minority will do this in reference to decades and their lifetime. Even smaller amount of people in timescales that are inter-generational.

In the context of SAFE, what I realised around 2009 was these (perceived) to be detrimental and unethical power relationships that are emergent properties of the complex system we call civilisation are now very much pivotal on personal data. This did draw me to this project and provided the network performs as intended we will be able to shift some of this.

People will always conspire. Outsiders to this will always make assumptions about intent, plans and effects. But some of the nefarious things we may understand to be currently present, or that have/are happening which @anon63178599 was alluding can be mitigated by SAFE. This is exciting and why I am more focused on the solution(s) than the problem(s).


A couple of posts of this topic are moved to the new off-topic thread: https://forum.autonomi.community/t/discussion-about-qanon-trump-etc/26622?u=draw, because the following from this forum Guidelines:

Religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments” topics are only allowed in the Off-Topic category.


There are some critics however. Like Linus Torvalds, but I don’t think he is a big specialist in this topic. But of course better to be on the safe side if possible.

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