Vidy release (Joseph's Safe Websites Project)

Vidy is live here: safe://vidy

Vidy is a public video directory for websites built on the SAFE Network with the ability for users to submit videos. The videos have to be loaded instead of streamed so it will take some time for the website to fully load.

Also big thanks @bochaco and @hunterlester for their help here.

This is part of Joseph's Safe Websites Project.


Great work on this app! Is it TEST 18?


Yep it is live on testnet 18


When you create the NFS handle for the uploaded video, is the video content stored in MD or immutable data? I see that the video size is limited to 80MB in blobtobuffer, so I guess it must be immutable data. In that case, is there a reason for that size limit?

NFS uses immutable and mutable data, this goes over a bit of it

It just takes a while to load and upload videos as its for small enough files ~10mb


What do you do once the code has been copied into console? How do i make the code run?

click the enter key [20 chars]

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Hope I can find time to test tonight! If not then tomorrow for sure, way to go @Joseph_Meagher


It always the obvious ones that get me. Thanks

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Thanks. I think I understand the structure of the MDs used by the app…is it the “safetube” MD represented by safeTubeHandle holds a listing of all uploaded videos (videoCard JSON entries), and each uploaded video also has an associated MD holding the associated NFS data for that video? What happens when 100 videos have been uploaded (since that is the max number of entries for MD)?

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Exactly right. After a 100 entries the MD will be filled unless the MD structures can be stringed together which isn’t supported natively yet, this topic goes into more detail about everything .

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Not seeing any videos load on the webpage now. Been waiting a while. Tried refresh. Will try logging out and back in again now.

Everytime you reload (browser reload not the the yellow refresh button on the website) the website you have to paste the code into the console again.

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I don’t expect this to be done for us by the API (MaidSafe), though somebody may create a helper library with this kind of thing. It’s not hard to do yourself though I think. Create an entry for ‘next’ MD (and probably also ‘previous’) when you are about to fill the last available slot, and insert the address of a new (next) MD instead.

With ‘previous’ as well as ‘next’ it can be easier to handle a linked list, but obviously you lose two slots, leaving 98 for the ‘real’ entries (pointers to files).

Once somebody has code that does this it should be easy to stimulate the API in a way that mirrors the underlying SAFE API, but which makes it appear as if there are no limits to the number of entries in a MD.

Maybe MaidSafe intend to do this, but I think it’s best left to others as it’s not hard and they have more important things to do.


Still unable to upload another video.

It says video uploaded but i dont see the video. Its an ant video. Less than 10mb.

Did you get any errors in the console?

Also sometimes the website has has being showing multiple copies of the videos.

No errors in the console

First video upload was fine.