Video Overview - Networking Libraries

the ~perfect transcription of CRUST - the unprecedented percentage of 98% for a complete CRUST transcription (probably slightly over-inflated, in parts, but was getting feelings of 100% for the first dozen paragraphs or something)

edit: lol already changed a glaring thing near beginning. new: the perfect transcription for CRUST -



So when a CRUST node starts, itā€™s going to have a list of protocols it knows it can deal with. So a CRUST node starts, it might know that itā€™s got TCP and UTP. So on start, thatā€™s going to have to connect at least one of each protocol. So at least one TCP and at least one UTP thing would have to be started there.

But itā€™s a P2P networking solution. And a lot of P2P stuff will be happy with just one connection each. But, ā€œTrust??ā€ Trust is the issue here.

And this is the Starbucks attack I was talking about. Where, if we know thereā€™s a Beacon thing for instanceā€”and I start a Beacon node, and you come to the Starbucks that I happen to be sitting inā€”I know that youā€™ll connect to me. I donā€™t know what I could do to you after that. But I know that youā€™ll connect to me. So thatā€™s, probably not good.

Thatā€™s the beauty of CJDNS. You are putting TRUST on your friends/family router you choose to connect to. You know you trust that router, and the router knows it trusts you. You only need to know up to three routers. One of those three routers know other three routers. And so forth. Triangle connections, that leads to a hexagon shape networking. The rest of the network will not know anything about you except one of the two/three routers you send data to. This brings a much higher trust, with safe security.

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going to start Vaults!! be back in 8 hours

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Please create a dedicated thread for this when youā€™re done. Itā€™s gunna be veeeerry helpful!:wink:

-=============================================================================== - slightly over 1/2 done, and lots of repetition in this talk, but Iā€™ve split the paragraphs well. As for the dedicated thread, yeah probably. CRUST transcription I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to look at again. I can definitely look at the other two again, and of course this Vaults one.