Vault Dashboard ideas please!

I think dashboards are hard to get right, as often they are used as a way to surface all available information, which can end up not really helping meet people’s needs, and often hindering them.

So I’d be tempted to think about this first from what a potential user might be trying to achieve, and what their needs are. This might help you in narrowing down, or considering different modes of operation.

So from my personal point of view, I’d probably be thinking of this mainly from the goal of earning Safecoin, and where I find myself in relation to that. So things like:

  • Is the vault working towards that goal ok?
  • How much has it earned for me, since I started it? And how much have I earned overall?
  • When am I likely to get paid again, and how much?
  • If there is something wrong with it, what was the problem, and how do I remedy it?
  • What can I do to improve my chances of earning more?
  • How does my earning compare? What is the potential if I did x/y?
  • How much of the resources I’ve offered are in use, and what impact is this having on my other tasks?

I’m not saying that all/any of these are achievable (:joy:) but consider this a brainstorm for inspiration.