I am relatively new to MaidSafe, the SafeNetwork and SafeCoin. I’m no developer, and I have no background in ICT whatsoever. I have been following this project now for 6 months and just recently joined this forum and bought myself a humble amount of SafeCoin.
The company I work for is a publisher of online courses and educational platforms for schools. At the moment, around 100.000 students (from the ages of 10 to 22) work daily with our platforms.
I personally believe this network could really change the internet as we know it, and in the process could change our company as well. So I thought: why not tell my CEO about the network and the potential of it, right? IMO, our company might as well be an early adopter and jump on the bandwagon as soon as the network launches. Especially considering the fact that we have so many users of whom we have to protect their login credentials. (Not to mention the fact that we get DDoS’d at least once, every few weeks)
I see a lot of upsides for our company if we were to use the SafeNetwork. I tried to think of a few downsides, but besides having to port and adjust our platforms to the network (which would take some time and effort of course), I can’t really see any downsides.
In fact, if users were to pay with SafeCoin when they use our platforms and online courses, using them could be ‘free’ so to speak. (Provided that the earnings of SafeCoin, which users farm by contributing to the network, exceed the cost of using our platforms)
Though, come to think of it, there might be one big downside. On our platforms, teachers can follow the progress of their students and for instance adjust the difficulty of the course at any given time. With the students being completely anonymous and all, will this still be possible?
A few minutes ago, I sent my CEO a few links to the Maidsafe-website and some online interviews with David.
I’m really curious about his reaction, but my guess is (I hope) that he might suggest to copy one of our existing platforms to the SafeNetwork as a testcase when the network launches.
Hmmm, don’t really know why I started this topic. Just to share the excitement I guess. Do you guys think my thoughts about using the SafeNetwork for my company are correct? Am I maybe missing something? Any upsides or downsides I haven’t thought about?
Annnnd maybe this topic could trigger/inspire other ‘non-ICT-background’ forum-members to think about how the company they work for could use the network? I would love to read other ideas/use cases.