User Experience for the CLIs

I see downloaded files on disk

shame about the file names…

but the file structure would appear to be intact if this simple test is anything to go by

willie@gagarin:~$ file ~/.safe/client/downloaded_files/2ede8022221cfb8f6d41cf484af7c1fe789c35c51b4d274a54bdf29b31513114 
/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/2ede8022221cfb8f6d41cf484af7c1fe789c35c51b4d274a54bdf29b31513114: Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS): 4096 x 2048, compressed using DXT5

We are most definitely getting there :slight_smile:

Images work fine as well

For the curious, the lady on the right moved before the iron thrown by the lady on the left hit her. The identity of the third lady has not been proven - yet. Damages were very swiftly paid in cash by a small rotund chap driving a camper van.


Yeah the file names. We could actually do something about that.

Since we’re storing an index of the uploaded files, we could just put the file name there as well, and use it when downloading the file :+1:

So, that’ll do it until files containers etc.


Here is said podcast with @oetyng and @fergish, in case anyone else reads this, says “oooh what?”, and then doesn’t know where to locate it. I’ve never listened, thanks for the tipoff :face_holding_back_tears:


Below I was restarting the safenode pids via RPC in the background every 15 seconds, iterating through one node at a time out of total of 35 nodes, while the safe files upload was continuing:

Did not store file "8cb1a32a-c8c7-4b1a-b333-c78e9c64eaae.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Outbound Error.
Storing file "0aef2409-7ded-40c6-bb05-d4e041a7f146.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "0aef2409-7ded-40c6-bb05-d4e041a7f146.txt" to all nodes in the close group! ResponseTimeout.
Storing file "7d68421e-d68a-4aac-bda5-e3fdd3e5b693.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "7d68421e-d68a-4aac-bda5-e3fdd3e5b693.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Outbound Error.
Storing file "0f2108cd-fe72-4ddb-b387-216194b31e33.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Successfully stored file to ChunkAddress(41c1f6(01000001)..)
Storing file "49a8699f-f13f-488a-8cb0-44418f5b95e6.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Successfully stored file to ChunkAddress(35068c(00110101)..)
Storing file "e97c7d2c-8ba8-49f4-b3bf-a420e2c409b5.txt" of 10485760 bytes..

Seems like the panics are gone (nice!), and the safe files upload if it errors out on certain files, it seems like it continues to proceed to the next set of files in the target upload directory (recovering properly and starting to store the next set of file etc).

I did find it interesting if the churn rate for restart requests via RPC was increased from every 15 seconds to 100ms, it eventually led to the following messages in the safe files upload:

Did not store file "ee080536-5f37-4014-95ce-012a231854dd.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Could not get CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE number of peers..
Storing file "3ede80bd-a106-4a76-86b2-c687bf326d71.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "3ede80bd-a106-4a76-86b2-c687bf326d71.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Could not get CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE number of peers..
Storing file "872654bb-b3b8-48c9-9bb9-42b3bd504541.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "872654bb-b3b8-48c9-9bb9-42b3bd504541.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Could not get CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE number of peers..
Storing file "3d6ad666-ee8a-4e33-ac81-780c43648350.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "3d6ad666-ee8a-4e33-ac81-780c43648350.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Could not get CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE number of peers..
Storing file "13288e7f-3050-48f6-ac4d-c5f5e082990c.txt" of 10485760 bytes..
Did not store file "13288e7f-3050-48f6-ac4d-c5f5e082990c.txt" to all nodes in the close group! Network Error Could not get CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE number of peers..
Storing file "f0477552-5d7c-4133-a678-81d8cbe10d9f.txt" of 10485760 bytes..

The above may not be a realistic test case, however, whats interesting here is if I kill all safenode pids via killall safenode, the safe files upload doesn’t seem to exit (waited more than 20 mins and no activity on the console output), and cpu at 0%.

A backtrace after attaching to the process (debug build) shows the following for safe (thread 1 out of 8):

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00007f68cd5978aa in __syscall6 () at ../src_musl/arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h:59
#1  syscall () at ../src_musl/src/misc/syscall.c:20
#2  0x00007f68cd32419d in parking_lot_core::thread_parker::imp::ThreadParker::futex_wait (self=0x7f68cbfe0220, ts=...) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#3  0x00007f68cd323fbc in parking_lot_core::thread_parker::imp::{impl#0}::park (self=0x7f68cbfe0220) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#4  0x00007f68cd32e7ac in parking_lot_core::parking_lot::park::{closure#0}<parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#0}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#1}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#2}> (thread_data=0x7f68cbfe0200) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#5  0x00007f68cd32e028 in parking_lot_core::parking_lot::with_thread_data<parking_lot_core::parking_lot::ParkResult, parking_lot_core::parking_lot::park::{closure_env#0}<parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#0}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#1}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#2}>> (f=...)
    at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#6  parking_lot_core::parking_lot::park<parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#0}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#1}, parking_lot::condvar::{impl#1}::wait_until_internal::{closure_env#2}> (key=93824994079384, validate=..., before_sleep=..., timed_out=..., park_token=..., timeout=...) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#7  0x00007f68cd328fd9 in parking_lot::condvar::Condvar::wait_until_internal (self=0x555555717298, mutex=0x5555557172a0, timeout=...) at src/
#8  0x00007f68cd288a8e in parking_lot::condvar::Condvar::wait<()> (self=0x555555717298, mutex_guard=0x7ffc2d2d1388) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#9  0x00007f68cd2c696c in tokio::loom::std::parking_lot::Condvar::wait<()> (self=0x555555717298, guard=...) at src/loom/std/
#10 0x00007f68cd28f4f6 in tokio::runtime::park::Inner::park (self=0x555555717290) at src/runtime/
#11 0x00007f68cd28fe57 in tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::park::{closure#0} (park_thread=0x7f68cbfe01c8) at src/runtime/
#12 0x00007f68cd28ff96 in tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::with_current::{closure#0}<tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::park::{closure_env#0}, ()> (inner=0x7f68cbfe01c8) at src/runtime/
#13 0x00007f68cd2a6352 in std::thread::local::LocalKey<tokio::runtime::park::ParkThread>::try_with<tokio::runtime::park::ParkThread, tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::with_current::{closure_env#0}<tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::park::{closure_env#0}, ()>, ()> (self=0x7f68cdb6b8c8, f=...) at /rustc/84c898d65adf2f39a5a98507f1fe0ce10a2b8dbc/library/std/src/thread/
#14 0x00007f68cd28ff26 in tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::with_current<tokio::runtime::park::{impl#4}::park::{closure_env#0}, ()> (self=0x7ffc2d2d3f78, f=...) at src/runtime/
#15 0x00007f68cd28fe1a in tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::park (self=0x7ffc2d2d3f78) at src/runtime/
#16 0x00007f68cc2089fb in tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::block_on<safe::main::{async_block_env#0}> (self=0x7ffc2d2d3f78, f=...) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#17 0x00007f68cc1ed1cb in tokio::runtime::context::BlockingRegionGuard::block_on<safe::main::{async_block_env#0}> (self=0x7ffc2d2d66a8, f=...)
    at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#18 0x00007f68cc17ff7b in tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::MultiThread::block_on<safe::main::{async_block_env#0}> (self=0x7ffc2d2e2a20, handle=0x7ffc2d2e2a48, future=...)
    at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#19 0x00007f68cc23a54a in tokio::runtime::runtime::Runtime::block_on<safe::main::{async_block_env#0}> (self=0x7ffc2d2e2a08, future=...) at /root/.cargo/registry/src/
#20 0x00007f68cc207f39 in safe::main () at safenode/src/bin/

Please let me know if this specific topic isnt the right place for the above, or all is good :smile: .


Excellent stuff @Shu
Would you mind sharing the scripts to replicate your work?
The more folk poking at all levels, the sooner we will find bugs.


Downloading actual files is still a Work In Progress

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ ll
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 776 Apr 23 16:24 file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 520 Apr 23 17:07 file_names_2023-04-23_17-07-05.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 817 Apr 24 18:23 file_names_2023-04-24_18-23-50
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ safe files download
Loading file names from index doc "file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32.txt"
Error: io error: 

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ safe files download file_names_2023-04-24_18-23-50 
error: unexpected argument 'file_names_2023-04-24_18-23-50' found

Usage: safe files download

For more information, try '--help'.
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ safe files download --help
Usage: safe files download

  -h, --help  Print help

I’ll poke at other stuff for now … registers wallets etc
Im kinda in the dark about what will replace NRS, but again I’m just impatient.


That’s because of a recent change I think where the txt extension was removed, since that denotes plain text, and we were actually storing serialized data into the index docs.

Do you happen to have an old file in there with .txt extension?

Try rename it and remove the extension.

Thank you
Yeah that worked - kinda :slight_smile:

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ ll
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 776 Apr 23 16:24 file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 520 Apr 23 17:07 file_names_2023-04-23_17-07-05.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 817 Apr 24 18:23 file_names_2023-04-24_18-23-50
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 404 Apr 24 20:43 file_names_2023-04-24_20-43-03
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ mv file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32.txt file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ mv file_names_2023-04-23_17-07-05.txt file_names_2023-04-23_17-07-05
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ safe files download 
Loading file names from index doc "file_names_2023-04-24_20-43-03"
Downloading file "file_names.txt"
Successfully got file file_names.txt!
Writing 264 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/file_names.txt"
Downloading file "file3.txt"
Successfully got file file3.txt!
Writing 17 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/file3.txt"
Downloading file "new.txt"
Successfully got file new.txt!
Writing 22 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/new.txt"
Downloading file "file2.txt"
Successfully got file file2.txt!
Writing 43532 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/file2.txt"
Downloading file "at-the-top.txt"
Successfully got file at-the-top.txt!
Writing 33 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/at-the-top.txt"
Downloading file "wallet_01"
Successfully got file wallet_01!
Writing 535 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/wallet_01"
Downloading file "stash"
Successfully got file stash!
Writing 735 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/stash"
Downloading file "file1.txt"
Successfully got file file1.txt!
Writing 1285 bytes to "/home/willie/.safe/client/downloaded_files/file1.txt"
Loading file names from index doc "file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32"
Error: io error: 

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ ll
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 776 Apr 23 16:24 file_names_2023-04-23_16-24-32
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 520 Apr 23 17:07 file_names_2023-04-23_17-07-05
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 817 Apr 24 18:23 file_names_2023-04-24_18-23-50
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 404 Apr 24 20:43 file_names_2023-04-24_20-43-03
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/uploaded_files$ cd ../downloaded_files/
willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/downloaded_files$ ll
total 197380
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      13 Apr 23 17:14 00fbb9cea043c515cfbbbd20576e5f6d583f01cf729f9ac5811136f130da4791
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 01d67f7b27013bb3cdd7676cc1b4a1d5301c96bc989139265b61752efe4ab4a0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      72 Apr 23 17:15 07ce507aea466a00b63e1cb8e1e73d981d3877dd8937304647c4453279987e56
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:14 1774ac83ce327292ee1da0d411bd555417b54e4f266cce50fe736ae1c30dd1d8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:11 18b6557da0170742202d8003323b7d047431cff248509e1b65f219fca2e45c64
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      72 Apr 23 17:15 229c03371f9f7d86db55d47055147cda6a8f64ac880df9da1fd63c7ef772c0dc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:12 2e30d97ef0c4929b2bac4415ff5d72833f486d5e9da3b509bea78aaef6577d8d
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:10 2ede8022221cfb8f6d41cf484af7c1fe789c35c51b4d274a54bdf29b31513114
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:13 35b793901a720124becf96327b87655d51d44481bac1a6b38fa965386ec4ee5f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:13 376e3da427c3c3ebdd6b3e78f6fd51b0a55705835f3f1be1be301c4d8c3afecc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:13 3983b32a554278d1d10f7465d49d8cd71814b0c033da1a29031824380278af35
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:10 47f0eb684c7b955a11215de3e76aa2826b608e5ecb091e27e232dbce7a5e72ef
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 4c819afad1eef2c65d582e799f03fe19c1a5b9f5bbfeed917ebb34aaec80ace4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:12 4fd01ac01f0e7ee2ef5d1f439a1a54eb5a7c6a82b5ce894fe384f38a65e545e8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   29560 Apr 23 17:15 5d9e5084d49a71525458cf5ae944a8c95405b2dcbe85c4e7af4406e220bdc106
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie     520 Apr 23 17:14 5fddd31ca83bf6adcabf05a7b6ea0eefb8e03dd9a5db82584f5689b0ab7abcbb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   50308 Apr 23 17:15 61638afa12afd803932836574ac31bb7393898fa00e0e0bea12fb754bf23191a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie  173336 Apr 23 17:15 61ff4c3f271196a48f67258c13ebeff29504880d2c7ef0ada5f507d2858dfb2b
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:08 64db764ceb2a261bb9f68dd356df24bb4a915f2267618d680f9513fd72145f00
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie     456 Apr 23 17:14 6700afaff75b86deb4d757d1be2e9eba69d57cc7bfba735276351fe6604d8fef
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   71292 Apr 23 17:15 698357f7fc3ca3f964fc67b15f272fa50ee6f6fdb7207b5b4874d30891bc1537
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie  177313 Apr 23 17:15 7e16de98c90d592dde87791ca706ea7a4ed6a43984320b79fc74938679cd35c5
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:10 84514fb388aeed860609aee6f249bad4ad7fb819bfe69ebbfe9a0a6a249a059c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:14 98e2a2e8c5b127f97c61af8ded359f209d193edb28fcf12703ec069c34adc24b
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      72 Apr 23 17:15 9e95731f19bdd609188d23a33a9aa809b9fd431bc13080ab369576abdb8da6a4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      24 Apr 23 17:14 a7f1a16dac510ff5d805e5639c827e36529368dfcf491610ecd29c1c01d3cf1d
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      33 Apr 24 20:45 at-the-top.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      57 Apr 23 17:15 b0cbc6a940ee3288ef71780a2abc0c469ed7a4ee5cecb4c403ba58ecf2978630
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   29560 Apr 23 17:14 b5d65a856038996baaf55e841e7ff415b9041cdc52b44b42ac57605289b20808
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      76 Apr 23 17:15 bb2aa045773fefd677787266721a70813c7850d2daaf98bbee778c81619e5033
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:10 c22e96fb89e5d6e880609947ee287e01a11505a9f08b304377d87eba1c02663d
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:10 c51f4c2734da0dad91084b6a4d8a1ef673e4f5c7639984fbe939849910c7fe39
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:11 c605884883c59ff4b926dbeed5d2f87ea4dbef950cd08efe3dd69dd4944abf67
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 d4e4082be6d88deaf2060e6e434850db3f5cb009a7bc645ddaa776d484d2547b
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:12 df946732eb48f7b8f86219bc9d359a3f4098f7e1a012d29de764ef67e120653b
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:11 e430073e43609391f0fa6ea94d81748a28d0132d0db88eae6d359a0dba01a7cf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:12 f27dd6a29fafda94cc1f1c2d6800c03cb2a4985321aea93852ffe2111bb332a6
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 f28c64bf9cd3b3473a462c510d2e3a40e5aa2b40529e3f6f0770f33612c3bf89
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   29560 Apr 23 17:16 fa8ad7712a971a9ef4d469b2951e016c3e2e48df0a52e9308833133fc3659eda
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 facc0efd873e8e5fa9f760079eff1c6de81387b1718a68c834fd49e817dbc5c4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 23 17:09 fce7ab4f6fb7185ca7af5f72ef993d871b2cdf433beca8fb1bfb0b19a12cce99
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie    1285 Apr 24 20:45 file1.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie   43532 Apr 24 20:45 file2.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      17 Apr 24 20:45 file3.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie     264 Apr 24 20:45 file_names.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie      22 Apr 24 20:45 new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie     735 Apr 24 20:45 stash
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie     535 Apr 24 20:45 wallet_01

It is obvious real progress is being made and also entirely unfair of me to criticise code that is obv WorkInProgress. I can see what needs to be done and I am sure you and the team will have it fixed in the next few days.

I will clear out ~/.safe/client and try again with a larger upload of dirs and sub-dirs. I wont be surprised to see this fail but its how it fails that will be interesting.

Yep - as expected - all the files are there but there is no directory structure

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client$ tree -L 2 /fgfs/Scenery/Scotland/Orthophotos/w010n60/
├── w001n60
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── w002n60
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── w003n60

and when uploaded and downloaded…

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/downloaded_files$ ll
total 196704
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 willie willie 8388736 Apr 24 21:02

IIRC @dirvine recently made some remark about moving away from the old “files in folders” model. Is this teeing us up for some other major change/advance or have you just not had time to replicate the folders yet?


Nothing wrong with bug reporting! :hugs:
It’s great to see you guys use the stuff, and useful testing. When it’s easily fixed issues then naturally giving it that extra time right away is well worth it :slight_smile:

This is it :sweat_smile:

Had I been a bit more fore-sighted I could have added that the entire structure is included in that index when uploading files. I’m too focused on the wallet stuff :upside_down_face:


I’d be focussed on the wallet stuff if I could find a valid DBC to play with.

willie@gagarin:~/.safe/client/downloaded_files$ safe wallet deposit --help
Deposit `Dbc`s to the local wallet. Tries to load any `Dbc`s from the `received_dbcs` path in the wallet dir, and deposit it to the wallet. The user has to manually place received dbc files to that dir, for example by choosing that path when downloading the dbc file from email or browser

received_dbcs path in the wallet dir ← ~/.safe/client/wallet/ ?
How does that get initialised?
I am failing like this

Under #easily fixed – help for register needs looked at.


received_dbcs dir shall be created on client start.
And you need to place dbcs sent to you, in that dir manually.

But, in main you can’t really get any dbcs because that’s just in unit tests :slight_smile:

There is a draft PR which connects all transfer, wallet, genesis and faucet work from past weeks. I didn’t get it ready for review today, but you can see there what’s going on.


Thanks, I’ll have a look at that now :slight_smile:


OK every node gets it wallet dir

and so will there be a similar dir in ~/.safe/client ?


@Southside @Josh or anyone else with relevant expertise - I’ve had a good laugh reading about cryptographic things I don’t really understand, and am looking to poke around at the code on Github. I am not a Github user of any experience.

What is going on with the Github repos these days, explained for a beginner?

I see that the cli page has gone (?) and I’m confused, basically. that’s still there, would it be worth going through it? Or what would you recommend?

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AFAIK the CLI is not supported atm and you can only do operations as described in the GitHub - maidsafe/safe_network repo. Much of the CLI will stay the same, but you can’t use it until they wire things back up. I don’t know if that will be done before or after JoshNet.

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Ah, I picked the wrong day. I’ll keep going with something else and keep an eye out for an update on that, cheers

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Both the safenode and safe binaries are now in the safe_network repository. The sn_cli crate and the old safe_network repo (now renamed safe_network_archive) are considered legacy.

Right now, the binaries are not versioned separately, or really at all, but that should change at some point soonish.


Thanks @chriso :+1:

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I just pull the latest changes in GitHub - maidsafe/safe_network, build them and try the various binaries with --help to see what if anything has changed.
Then get a testnet running and try to upload/download, create/get/edit registers and (soon) play with wallets. Or do as @Shu has done, explore individual nodes with the example RPC client app, get info and stop/start them.
Its all pretty basic stuff right now, but a thorough understanding of the unadorned basics is usually a good thing.
Minutely examine for any changes and keep an eye on PRs at Pull requests · maidsafe/safe_network · GitHub. The AI-Generated Summary of each PR can be very instructive for example:


Just want to warn that the cli ux has degraded due to network log outputs to it.

We’ll fix that shortly.