latest safe node installation through safe node install
delete sn_node.exe
it pulls the “known” testnet config URLs from a gist and you can select it in the drop down menu and add it in the safe networks (if the testnets are not online it will fail)
add your custom testnet by proviging testnet name and config URL
check safe version
check node version
show safe networks
clear output of the output box
Setup Local Baby Fleming
check running local-baby-fleming (it shows how many nodes there are
kill local baby fleming (safe node killall)
clean up local baby fleming (rm ~/.safe/cli/config / rm -f ~/.safe/network_contacts / rm -f ~/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes )
run local baby fleming (11 nodes / safe node run-baby-fleming)
for the rest of the commands open a powershell window and use ~/.safe/cli/safe.exe <safe commands> or add to PATH variable the folder ~/.safe/cli/ and run commands with safe.exe <safe commands>
checks for updates when launching The 3S! and by clicking yes it initiates the update process and relaunches The 3S!
is there a way to have in a github page or gist all the url of the testnets and pull them from our app for easy joining to testnets/comnets/smoothnets?
@Southside i am developing the 3S with tauri and vanilla html/css/js and its coming up nice, not yet usable as i have implemented only the safe setup functionality, but once i have safe use pinned down i will share!!!
Tauri is cool cuase you cna make a web gui with performant rust code in the backend, thanks for suggesting it!
One issue is that a tauri app needs to be installed because portable build is not yet available (will be with 1.3 they report) no biggie just peeps would need to install my app in windows.
I am developing in windows first cause windows users i reckon would need a gui to interact with safe with a point and click way! But will make it cross platform inthe end as tauri has that posibility baked in.
I want to take your tauri work and extend it to make a faucet. We will need this to test PayToUpload.
Basically a page that asks for your wallet address and the amount of testSNT you want.
If you have not been too greedy(!) the app will respond by issuing a DBC to your wallet address from the genesis DBC
I think its best I wait until you have the Windows stuff tied up and then build on top of that. Meanwhile I have tested much of the background already bar the greediness check. I could just ask for the wallet address and send a random amount of testSNT to each request. As long as folk get enough to thoroughly test PayToUpload when it becomes relevant.
However having a faucet will increase awreness even if only for testSNT.
We should still have a faucet of some sort for real SNT when the time comes but there are many things we can do with that - get punters to do some useful work first, etc etc
Sorry -
its from the USAnian for “tap” or “fountain” - a web page used to distribute (shit)coins to punters to get them in circulation - or in our case in the short term , into the hands of testers
I have reproduced a bug with deposit and withdrawals in short if you do 2 deposit from the wallet that got the genesis dbc to a second wallet it bugs out on the 3rd, have you found that in your tests?
me too - but for my DBC baby-fleming init scripts and if I enable auto updates it will mean only using actual releases - which may not suit everyone OR requiring everyone to build from source - which WILL not suit everyone.