Updating the Safe Network lexicon: Replacing the terms Account, Safecoin and Vault

Perhaps an exercise of as “Ethereum is to Ethers, Safe Network is to ______” is in order here.

Kickstarting some brainstorming:

  • Safes
  • Safees
  • Safeties

It jars for me TBH, but its just a case of getting used to it. I still think of a Snickers as a Marathon.


Yeah, if one can get used to “Google” and “Yahoo” and take them seriously, one should have no trouble with “SN”, “Safe Network Tokens”, “Safe Tokens” or any combination . . . given enough time.


I’ll put it out there but not convinced


ant :ant:

some tasks require more work than others kind of ties into the notion of more ants??

Something perhaps that ties to natural… atoms?

I don’t mind tokens for now until the network has spawned some meme-like personality and identity… not sure you can preempt what is popular.


Indeed, I think we just need to wait and let it happen.


I’ll give you “Safe Tokens”. Anything over 3 syllables (likely 2) won’t stick. Google and Yahoo are simple 2-syllable words that role off the tongue. No verbal gymnastics needed.


I remember hearing a joke about how most of the popular tech names sound like baby phrases. Just imagine a baby saying “google”, “Hulu”, etc.

Maybe “Gigs” or “Flops” since those are storage centric? Those sound kind of stale and boring to me though.

I honestly think something either more on brand or cute will eventually pop up naturally, which is what Jim kind of suggests in the OP. These things pop up when people get an overall feel and someone says something silly and clever and it catches on. We might be able to do that sooner than later but I wouldn’t suggest forcing or compromising too much so early at the possible expense of something far more catchy and natural.


Safe tokens is a natural contraction that’s a bit easier…

The answer could come from another language too…

Chinese for safe is Ānquán
which could morph into Egyptian ankh (☥)
which is not ants or is it…

We’ll see…

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Toss out some ideas while I’m drinking coffee.

  • loot
  • stash
  • bool
  • dbacks
  • chips
  • wads
  • rolls
  • notes
  • credits
  • goods
  • pieces
  • jacks
  • slips
  • certs

Agreed! :point_up_2:

I do however find 3 letter tickers easier than 2 for some reason.

So I’m finding both awkward, one too long the other too short.

Definitely agree with you here. A 3-syllable word isn’t necessary to have a 3-letter ticker though. Ethers are abbreviated as ETH. If we used, say Safes or Safees or what not, the ticker could be SFE or some such.

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I tend to agree on the ticker but there are benefits to a ticker that is only two letters. It stands out for one because most aren’t two letters, and also SN would always be at the top of searches with anything with SN(X) in it.

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If the tokens were only to be used for network functions this would be great, it is so familiar and perfect in my opinion but it pigeon holes the token too much.


+1 for this — my favourite eating place in the known universe

Its a shame Erdogan is a complete cvnt and I dont feel I can go back to Turkey (COVID or not) until he is gone.

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Lol. I’m thinking of Sith Lords now :see_no_evil:

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It took me a good night’s rest to come around to it, but I’m sold on Safe Network Tokens aka Safe Tokens. It really is the best way forward. Just give yourselves some time to meditate on it.

I thought so too at first… but not so. Hint: A denomination of Safe Tokens can be called anything you want.


“By running Safes on the Network”?

Never liked the term vault at all.

(Start Earning sounds good, though the explanation leading up to that image was confusing; replace “farming” with earning makes sense, but replacing “vault” with earning doesn’t to me.)

I like ant’s pulp, instead of chunkin’ chunks, but that’s just me. Ants [can] have a farm, so that complicates most ant-related terminology; and colony reminds me of colonialism, rather than community.

Safe Sents!

I feel a great disturbance in the safe.


I really like “Sents” as a play on SafE Network TokenS. Makes me think of having sense, good sense, common sense, etc. It’s also easy to think of as a currency because of cents. And something that can be easily transferred for a purchase; i.e. sent.

And Safe Sents works too in the context of having sense to keep things safe.

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