Those sound like locations.
but that prompts perhaps “water”
Those sound like locations.
but that prompts perhaps “water”
From the Tron movie: Energy is a liquid substance found in the Game Grid and the Tron system, used as a fuel for vehicles and as a vital nourishment for all programs .
Going to have some fun with this question.
Grey Goo
? Digital Oil
Data Oil
“Farmers” “earn” “tokens” by running “nodes” of the “Safe Network”.
“Tokens” can be traded for “Safe space”.
In the future I hope “tokens” will be tradable for “(Safe) processing power”.
How does that sound?
So clear, so simple, so well thought through. It takes a lot of effort to get to this clarity of logic, and not being wedded to the past. Well done, and also a great video. More please, if you ever get the time.
“Farm” was conspicuously absent.
Perhaps it would be simply “Users” “earn” “tokens” by running “nodes” of the “Safe Network”?
if we can decide on a ticker like SN or XNT … would MaidSafe consider creating a ERC20 token under that name and administrating a swap for (MAID) in order to secure the ticker. It would be an important part of the brand after all. And would allow the ticker to be used in the development of the code?
I don’t know why “farm/farming” wasn’t mentioned. But I think “user” is too generic. Any holder of “safe space” is a user, but only some users provide this space.
Really good approach and very good video!
I really like how the notion of account will be bypassed. “Account” would hint that maybe there is someone else taking care of the account too, possibly helping you if you lose your log in credentials. “Safe” is so much better.
Ants make … pulp
Adding to the chorus. Great changes all around. Nicely done @JimCollinson
Oh @JimCollinson not sure if anyone had mentioned it yet but just noticed. The new Safe Network Browser icon it’s just fantastic!
You’re the first! Thought I’d sneak that out there.
Careful what you wish for!
Is it official, do you have something a little more up close and personal?
Is it? Because I’m not convinced the distinction is worthwhile. Perhaps @JimCollinson can comment on any changes to the use of “farmer”.
I am not totally apposed to losing farming.
Earning a reward seems more wholesome than farming which implies a commercial enterprise.
“Earn” is the predicate. “Tokens” is the object. But what/who is the syntactic subject, if not “farmer”?
We’re very focused on farmers and farming here, but for Joe public they aren’t thinking like we generally do.
They will have little need for those terms. They get Safe, they Earn, they tell friends about getting Safe and Earning.
There’s no value in the terms farmer or farming as far as I can see, except for folks like us who are taking about different categories of participant.
I’m not saying the word “farmer” should be used in the UI, but I feel like I need a subject when talking about this subject with you all, i.e. “folks like us”. Maybe “participant” is not such a bad word, actually. “drive space participant”, “CPU participant” … But even if the word is not used in the UI, wouldn’t it be good to standardize it “just a little bit”? I don’t really care if it’s “farmer” or “participant”, but I would like one word. Maybe “node operator”?