Update 13 July, 2023

Quite quickly as there are a lot of projects that use it. The rust version maybe a bit slower, but all in all it’s a solid OSS project. We use a lot of OSS projects and they are all the same in terms of fixes, if we put them in it’s faster. Some projects can linger for months etc. and so on. In those cases we can fork, fix and wait. So not really an issue and perfectly normal.


Unfortunately, no matter how I attempt to run faucet at the moment, I get the same error

thread 'main' panicked at 'Faucet wallet shall be created successfully.: Bincode(Custom("deserialized bytes don't encode a group element"))', /home/willie/projects/maidsafe/safe_network/sn_transfers/src/dbc_genesis.rs:108:10
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Paging @joshuef “help!!!”


It looks like a deserialisation order where we are trying to deserialise an existing non-type. I would let the guys complete testing there @Southside looks like a merge bug.


So if you are on linux, heres what you need to do to get back into it…

Make sure you have git and rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

sudo apt install git ← probably unnecessary as git is likely installed anyway

prepare an empty work directory
mkdir $USER/projects/maidsafe/safe_network is my choice but where you put the work directory is entirely up to you.

grab the latest code
git clone https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_network.git
cd $USER/projects/maidsafe/safe_network

Once I have the repo cloned locally I run this one-liner

git pull && cargo build --release --features local-discovery
The first time you run this it will tell you “All up to date” but its handy to have this in your bash_history for fast access - then there will be a wait of a minute or two as rust builds the source code.
Once that is built successfully

cd target/release ← go to where cargo stored the new binaries
sudo cp safe safenode faucet testnet /usr/local/bin ← copy to somewhere that will always be in your $PATH - this will alleviate much potential hassle, trust me…

cd ../../ back up to your workdir

Now you are ready to start a local testnet or join in a running testnet.

Tell me what interests you most and I will post further info if you feel you need it.


Seriously off-topic here, but I used to wonder if the Beatles old label/org Apple Corps ever tried to sue Jobs and Wozniak over their use of the apple symbol/logo/name?

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GPT4 Response:

Yes, Apple Corps, the Beatles’ company, did indeed sue Apple Computer, Inc. (now known as Apple Inc.) for trademark infringement.

The first lawsuit was in 1978, just a few years after Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded their company. Apple Computer agreed to pay Apple Corps a settlement and to stay out of the music business.

However, the two companies ended up in court again in the 1980s after Apple Computer added audio recording capabilities to their computers. Another settlement was reached with Apple Computer paying a significant amount and again promising not to enter the music business.

In 2003, Apple Corps sued Apple Computer again after the latter launched the iTunes Store, a digital music service. Apple Corps argued that this was a violation of the previous agreement, where Apple Computer had promised not to enter the music business. However, this time Apple Inc. won the case with the court ruling that iTunes was a data transmission service, not a music service, and therefore didn’t infringe on the agreement.

In 2007, the companies finally reached a comprehensive settlement where Apple Inc. would own all Apple-related trademarks and would license certain trademarks back to Apple Corps for their continued use. This ended the decades-long legal feud between the two companies.

I knew Apple agreed to stay out of the music business which the didn’t.


In my opinion, if you systematically read the TestNet threads and the updates after the TestNets, even if you are not a technical person, you can say that the progress in the development of the Safe Network is many noticeable.

And it is not just that a problem has been solved and the team is very involved, for which we thank them very much. It is also that after many years, virtually any user can now try to connect to the network and see how well the Testnet works!
And as you can read from the threads, these are extremely promising advances, which even at this early stage indicate the enormous efficiency of the network.

And for that, a lot of respect is due to the team and all the people involved in it! :clap: :blush:

You are the best! :laughing:

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Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! I add the translations in the first post :dragon:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


@Southside , thanks for that - after many other life delays, over the last few days I built a new workstation and shuffled the old boxes down the priority list. So now I have a Fedora 38 box running from a 32GB USB stick but with a basically empty 3TB SATA drive to mess around with.

The install has gone fairly painlessly (although I am using RPMs instead of direct downloads for Rust etc) but I am currently stuck at:

“Create Register with name ‘myregister’: . . .”


“Connecting to the SAFE Network . . .”

which hasn’t changed for quite a while - I am guessing this is because the box is behind my router on IP ?



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most likely…
have you set up any port forwarding on your router?

I cannot connect a node from home or last time I looked upload from home - and it used to be a breeze. These days I work off a Hetzner cloud instance ~£5/month https://hetzner.com

more later - I am called to the kitchen…

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No, haven’t looked at that yet - might have to get a few hours rest before the 8am Tai Chi class I think . . link to the port-forwarding info?


Hopefully the NAT traversal will soon be fully functional and this need not concern you.

But if you want to try then you need to set your home router to forward port 12000 TCP and UDP (I think) on your router to point at the box you will run your node(s) from.

Some folk have this working well from home, these past few months I have failed miserably and am likely not the best person to ask.

i was failing a few weeks ago as well but last two test nets my home nodes are back in action again so give it another go

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@Southside , @aatonnomicc ,

Done - waiting to see if anything exciting happens before I have to go out . .



this may help

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here is a script for starting multiple nodes might be of use



pkill -e safenode
rm -rf ~/.local/share/safe/node/*

for (( c=1; c<=$NUMBER_OF_NODES; c++ ))


export SN_LOG=all
safenode --port $PORT  --log-output-dest data-dir 2>&1 > /dev/null & disown

echo Node $c started
echo Port $PORT

sleep 120


exit 0
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If you use this script you will need to port forward a range 12000-12010 not just the single port

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I am out for a while now - but is the start 1200 or 12000? - I tried both before I had to go out with no success . .


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12000 is the start of the range – you need one port per node.
Hopefully all this will be behind us soon.

Right - the script had 1200 . .

There is already a huge change from DoD from pre-Rust building but further simplification will be good!