Update 02 February, 2023 [The feb2 testnet - Offline]

The telemetry collector is definitely still running because I can see it receiving traces. It’s strange how you wouldn’t be able to connect to it, because our nodes are definitely still submitting traces.


New section?

topi@topi-HP-ProBook-450-G5:~$ time safe files put topibott.jpg
   0: ClientError: Error received from the network: InvalidOperation("Failed to perform operation: Comms(FailedSend(Peer { name: 29264b(00101001).., addr: }))") for cmd: MsgId(c468..7627)
   1: Error received from the network: InvalidOperation("Failed to perform operation: Comms(FailedSend(Peer { name: 29264b(00101001).., addr: }))") for cmd: MsgId(c468..7627)
   2: Invalid operation: Failed to perform operation: Comms(FailedSend(Peer { name: 29264b(00101001).., addr: }))


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

I did the steps again, but didn’t remove the existing .safe

eddy@Hal9000:~$ curl -so- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maidsafe/safe_network/master/resources/scripts/install.sh | sudo bash
[sudo] password for eddy: 
=> Downloading Safe CLI package from 'https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_network/releases/download/0.17.1-0.15.3-0.2.1-0.78.2-0.73.3-0.76.1-0.69.0/sn_cli-0.69.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz'...
=> Saving to '/tmp/tmp.DKwoAzG0HU/sn_cli-0.69.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz'...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 10.6M  100 10.6M    0     0   957k      0  0:00:11  0:00:11 --:--:-- 2481k
=> Unpacking Safe CLI to '/usr/local/bin'...
eddy@Hal9000:~$ safe node install -v 0.73.2
Downloading sn_node version: 0.73.2
Downloading https://sn-node.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/sn_node-0.73.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz...
[00:00:00] [========================================] 10.66 MiB/10.66 MiB (0s) DoneInstalling sn_node binary at /home/eddy/.safe/node ...
Setting execution permissions to installed binary '/home/eddy/.safe/node/sn_node'...
eddy@Hal9000:~$ safe networks switch feb2
Switching to 'feb2' network...
Successfully switched to 'feb2' network in your system!
eddy@Hal9000:~$ safe networks add feb2 https://sn-node.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/testnet_tool/feb2/network-contacts
Network 'feb2' was added to the list. Network Map is located at 'PublicKey(13ec..912f), url: "https://sn-node.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/testnet_tool/feb2/network-contacts"'
eddy@Hal9000:~$ safe node join --network-name feb2
Storing nodes' generated data at /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node
Starting a node to join a Safe network...
Starting logging to directory: "/home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/"
The opentelemetry traces are logged under the name: sn_node_G1rNlRe8X4
Node started
eddy@Hal9000:~$ OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)


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Yep all my puts appear to fail but I have 580Mb of chunks ← possibly a lie - System Monitor reports the sn_node process has written 579.8MB to disk



topi@topi-HP-ProBook-450-G5:~$ time safe files put topibott.jpg
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrywzaqhcw7dssj84n1hpaxugt9mbj7xozw47rxxceariaownqmgo6cnra?v=hnrijhg7qx435iejzzjm1i5oc3qgw3s3b36ej9r7wwe8nmgxjnfey"
| E | topibott.jpg | <ClientError: Error received from the network: InvalidOperation("Failed to perform operation: Comms(FailedSend(Peer { name: 2392f7(00100011).., addr: }))") for cmd: MsgId(958d..f1f9)> |


Are you sure you actually have the telemetry collector endpoint set?

Can you paste the output of running env | sort please?


And back to this again:

topi@topi-HP-ProBook-450-G5:~$ time safe files put topibott.jpg
   0: ClientError: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(708f..4bae)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.
   1: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(708f..4bae)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
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What? I just tried to join and got a node in right away. Chunks coming in fast. With just plain:

And I’m behind NAT. I guess this is just pseudo join again, and I will be kicked out soon.

I’m also getting

OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)

Hmm, I wonder if the OpenTelemetry service is just intermittently unavailable, because it’s definitely running.

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So there should only be join join now. Nodes no longer cache incoming connections at all so to receive a “join accepted” message you should be connectable.


I missed the telemetry env setting and others may have as well.

Now fixed, also my node joined right away and has chunks :partying_face:

And in no time I have 1.1GB of chunks!


Ah ok cool. This does give us information though that it’s a pretty bad user experience if you forget to set the variable. We should get that changed. If the environment variable isn’t set it possibly shouldn’t say anything. It should just be an optional thing.


Hi there,
Disk usage is now 1.3G and not growing anymore,
I guess my node has been kicked,
(behind a routeur, without port forwarding)


I did too. I did read about it when first reading the update from my phone. Then, when I got to my laptop, I just followed the compact commands from here:

I did remember that there was something more to be done, but I was so sure I would not be able to join, that I didn’t care…

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Hi @chriso

Will try to figure that out later, duty calls :sweat_smile:

Just wanted to quick contribute…


Didn’t get anything like that, just:

Node PID: 4049, prefix: Prefix(1), name: f59cd7(11110101).., age: 5, connection info:

I got very quickly to about 524MB of chunks and after that it has been growing very slowly.


I think it is error prone to point to a post that isn’t complete and needs string substitutions work, and mix that with steps in the OP.

It will be easier for everyone if there was a new topic for each test network with full instructions, no edits needed and including any new things like telemetry or changes in CLI parameters.


Absolutely. Any other way will just mix things up. Also, if we would like to discuss about the update, it would be drowned in all this testnet related stuff.


I suspect the connectable check is too weak. What is likely happening is

  • you connect to a node
  • It connect back to check you are contactable

However, with UDP if they connect back quickly (less than 30 secs) then the connection will work as your router has left open a “hole” to the node you connected to.

It get’s deeper fast, if you are a full cone nat and communicate more than once per 20 secs (we can set keep alive to make sure this is the case) or so the hole will remain open and others will connect to you OK. If you are symmetric or port mapped NAT then that won’t work.

So the answer to check connectivity is via another network connection. This is what STUN servers do.

As I said previously NAT is a pita and we cannot have users strung out like this.


When was the last time anyone managed to PUT anything? I just get some version of the error messages every time I try.

How many sections now? What was the command to check that out?