should that not be --network-name feb2?
I’m a bit distracted with other stuff but I cannot see a download for the feb2 <CONTACTS_FILE_LOCATION>
Am I just not looking hard enough?
In the linked instructions is a pattern in which you put the network name and get this:
safe networks add feb2
Thank you @peca
Correct (for once ). It didn’t seem to matter but I re-did it anyway.
oooooh snarky
May this testnet be both personally fulfilling and a source of joy to you, Mark.
No, I’ve been having the same issue. Below had been my “go to” command:
RUST_LOG=sn_node=trace safe node join --network-name <testnet-name> --local-addr \ --public-addr <>:11995 \ --skip-auto-port-forwarding
I opened port 11995 both at my router and locally with the command nc -l 11995
and have been able to connect a node from home. Now it seems the --public-addr
isn’t recognized anymore?
Havent tried a node yet but no luck so far with a put
willie@gagarin:~/projects/maidsafe/safe_network$ safe files put ~/cock01.jpg
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyryu8f8e7kogwpi6yzp6axypbm7pwgna9h8ibfr5o8oonobttjg3e1hnra?v=hnrijhg7qx435iejzzjm1i5oc3qgw3s3b36ej9r7wwe8nmgxjnfey"
| E | /home/willie/cock01.jpg | <ClientError: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(8700..bef7)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.> |
I tried and it started from 3rd attempt.
It even stores chunks.
Wonder where it gets them if puts fails.
Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs
fun to have another Testnet
So the steps to set this up are?
curl -so- | sudo bash
safe node install -v 0.73.2
safe networks add feb2
safe node join --network-name feb2
Hmmmmm I’m probably doing something clueless here?
eddy@Hal9000:~$ safe node join --network-name feb2
Storing nodes' generated data at /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node
Starting a node to join a Safe network...
Starting logging to directory: "/home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/"
The opentelemetry traces are logged under the name: sn_node_QfhzJtrIQc
Node started
eddy@Hal9000:~$ OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
(PID: 1412257): Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 30 seconds. Node log path: /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
(PID: 1412257): Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 30 seconds. Node log path: /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
eddy@Hal9000:~$ (PID: 1412257): Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 30 seconds. Node log path: /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/
eddy@Hal9000:~$ OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
eddy@Hal9000:~$ (PID: 1412257): Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 30 seconds. Node log path: /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/
OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): the grpc server returns error (The service is currently unavailable): , detailed error message: error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
(PID: 1412257): Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 30 seconds. Node log path: /home/eddy/.safe/node/local-node/
That looks correct to me - same as me.
I didn’t add an --public-addr <>:11995
Maybe that’s it, probably not…
My .safe folder is frozen, can’t click it, did see 414MB in it before freeze
@roland any idea on these opentel errors?
You were missing:
safe networks switch feb2
I tried to put, I got the same error, as a couple others before me:
<ClientError: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(bcc6..b697)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.>
[2023-02-02T18:23:26.210090Z INFO sn_node::node::core] ELDER CANDIDATES (current gen:4) 7: {NodeState(8183c7(10000001)..,, Joined), NodeState(a0aed2(10100000)..,, Joined), NodeState(bd5d96(10111101)..,, Joined), NodeState(c480af(11000100)..,, Joined), NodeState(c90fde(11001001)..,, Joined), NodeState(d392c8(11010011)..,, Joined), NodeState(e03164(11100000)..,, Joined)}
[2023-02-02T18:23:26.210862Z DEBUG sn_node::node::core] Prefix(1): 7 Elders, 23~23 Adults.
seems prefix 1 should be splitting or attempting to split soon (given enough data). Which means we’re probably seeing a fair bit of churn right now
I’m able to run the client tests, some pass, some fail right now.
I can see two nodes have been voted off which were not maidsafe nodes.:
decided {NodeState(17206e(00010111)..,, Left)
decided {NodeState(86652a(10000110)..,, Left)}
Also, it looks like fails are due to one node per query hurting us. Right now we’re in strict mode and require all holders to return. Which obviously is less tolerant of issues than if we just allowed any Ok
reponse through to the client.
So in general it seems like we may not be voting off badly performing nodes fast enough here. I wonder if this might level out + stabilise if we vote them off, or if this is a slow snowball starting
should the network currently be accepting nodes? getting retrying after 30 seconds
don’t want to mess with them unnecessarily.
Retried putting and got a slightly different error message. My first one was exactly:
topi@topi-HP-ProBook-450-G5:~$ time safe files put topibott.jpg
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrywhym8tjc5f3x9mrujrj47bu7mfbwmeukj85rxcrfeojp9ymwtxownra?v=hnrijhg7qx435iejzzjm1i5oc3qgw3s3b36ej9r7wwe8nmgxjnfey"
| E | topibott.jpg | <ClientError: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(bcc6..b697)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.> |
And second one:
topi@topi-HP-ProBook-450-G5:~$ time safe files put topibott.jpg
0: ClientError: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(ac5b..b43a)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.
1: Did not receive sufficient ACK messages from Elders to be sure this cmd (MsgId(ac5b..b43a)) passed, expected: 7, received 0.
Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Not really
Will try the steps again and see what happens\
Only if there’s a need for them. So if we’re not seeing enough data, we won’t accept them.
But of a catch 22 if we’re not able to put data reliably.
(Although just cos PUTs appear to be failing, doesn’t mean that they are entirely failing… in the network at least, data may well be stored at 3/4 nodes eg)
Catting worked just fine for the first image in the list in the OP.