This post is created as a continuation of another one which I posted in an inappropriate topic.
Current topic is exactly the one that deals with the problem and after reading it, I think there is a majority of people that have expressed a preference for not using 2 passwords:
During a short period of time a name + password pair was implemented, but then it has been changed to usage of 2 passwords. And worse: not only this has been done in the front end (HMI of the launcher) but an evolution made in core prevents any change of this choice in the front end: now the location of the session packet derives exclusively from the first element which forces it to be a password to avoid collisions between users. Initially the location depended on both elements so 2 different users could pick the same name for the first element (call it the way you want: common name, pet name, friendly name …) but this evolution blocks completely this possibility.
So current implementation forces usage of 2 passwords but I think that the choice should be unblocked at the core level and the launcher HMI should be modified so that each one could make his/her own choice: use 2 passwords or use a name and a password. This could be done for example with a check box indicating that we want to use a common name for the first element and which deactivates the password strength control on it (and possibly reinforces it on the second element).
With this solution everyone would be happy: for example I could use a common name corresponding to the category of account for the first element (finance, travels, music …), but this choice is not imposed and other people could use 2 passwords instead (with strength verification on both of them). And anyone could even use both possibilities, for example I intend to take the latter choice for some hidden accounts.