Welcome. You are level one now. Sometimes there is a delay.
Edit - it’s best to start with the latest browser 0.9.0 from here Releases · maidsafe/sn_browser · GitHub - download the correct one for your OS (not the one saying ‘mock’) - unzip and run from the resulting folder. Ask here if you get stuck.
The answers are probably posted somewhere but each time I enter a URL in ‘Safe Browser’ the URL opens in Chrome?!??
If I click on any of these links in ‘Safe Browser’ they open in Chrome:
Here are few example applications to start with.
You can join the discussion on the Community forum
If you’d like to contribute to the code or have found any issues, you can find us on GitHub
I think this trust scheme is really good. Not only is it rewarding, but enables a sense of basic foreknowledge before entering the big wide world (Go SAFE team - Tim Berners Lee supports SAFE via Twitter) of the SAFE (testnet) network.
It may take a little time for the forum software to update your member status. You might read at least one more topic which might trigger that update quicker than just waiting.
If that doesn’t work then I look at bumping you up to level 1
EDIT: The forum software has set you to level 1 now.