For those that want to dive a bit deeper into the SAFE Network, I’ll post a bunch of links to documentation below. It should be readable even if you’re not a developer. If you want to dive even deeper and to develop using the APIs, make sure to check the SAFE Dev Forum.
The idea for the SAFE Network is to provide a distributed filesystem
SAFE was thought to be impossible
The network uses cryptographic keys to communicate/authenticate
One of the basic concepts in the crypto space is “Consensus”. A group of nodes need to agree on a certain state in the network. Here’s the concept for the SAFE Network:
SAFE is a so-called XOR network
David wrote about XOR as well in an earlier post:
MaidSafe uses XOR in a unique fashion:
Autonomous networks are self-healing, self-managing and most importantly independent of human
SAFE uses Datachains to secure data and network events
With Safecoin data is the currency
SAFE has a unique feature where you log in to a decentralized, autonomous network
Data is “self-encrypted” before it’s uploaded to the network
Next to immutable data (like a movie) you can store mutable data as well. The hashes change when you change data (like a word document) but with MD the network stills knows where your data is.
This topic is not complete by any means. Let me know if I missed something.