The Difference Between Can't and Won't

Alright, take two. John is still dead.

No there is not. Not in the traditional sense of what a website is. If you provide a link to a piece of data, you open yourself up to the responsibility of sharing that link.

Potentially, yes you have. The tech you use doesn’t absolve you of your legal responsibilities. Whatever are your opinions about them.

Alright, self promotion moment, read this up. It doesn’t get too technical, but it gives an example on how to build a system where the data is completely separated from the UI and how an App can function on Safe.

The Safe network is not a replacement for the web. I know it’s marketed that way, but in reality, it’s just a giant shared database with no centralized indexing. So it sucks right? Well for some things it does, but for other things it’s pretty damn ground breaking. But yeah, the web isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, both will be working in parallel for a pretty long time at least.

If you want to use it to centralize something, like a sharing video website, you open a nice can of responsibilities, like you do on the web, you are just more hidden by default, much much much more. But it’s also worst because data are never erased, so you can’t really moderate it, it’s always there hidden in plain sight. In short, don’t do SafeTube as a centralized indexing service. Or do and accept the responsibilities.

You can still do a SafeTube though, but it would be just a fancy UI for users to organize their play list and share them with their communities. Is it inconvenient? It is, but it’s kind of the price you pay to give back people the control over their data. Can’t have it both ways.

so TLDR: If you are looking for centralization, go on the web, it’s remarkably good at it. If you are looking for decentralization, go on Safe, nothing will come close to it.

And this is a controversial topic but, if you mix both together, you got one hell of a piece of tech to play around with.

That’s for my understanding of version 1 though. Folks working on this are pretty clever. Who knows what the future holds.