There is no indication that the Network is, nor will ever be, down without notice in these forums. The devs have committed to announce planned outages and Digital Ocean is quite good at what they do.
If you have tried restarting your Launcher several times as well as experienced this multiple times, feel free to fill out a service ticket to report the incident. I would rather see service tickets filed and the incidents recorded (even if it’s a non-incident) in which case maidsafe can respond appropriately. At least that way we’ll have the time of submission and can check to see in the rarest case that there was some interruption of service with digital ocean at that time - and bring up the manner with them with the appropriate supporting documentation.
Once again, I doubt it’s the Network as it is much less buggy than are the binaries.
P.S. I do think it’s a good idea, but it would take a lot of work - especially on QA’s part. See the following: