[Status: offline] SAFE Network Testnet - Vaults from home with IGD - Iteration 2

for the same I get

$ safe dog safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo

== URL resolution step 1 ==
= Sequence =
XOR-URL: safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo
Version: 0
Type tag: 1200
XOR name: 0x9eba3d7e7f67a10a43753436695e6f72494472e86a6d1f518726d10640e39265
Native data type: PublicSequence

$ safe cat safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo
Public Sequence (version 0) at "safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo":

and if I do literally what you suggested above with curly double quotes I get this, which perhaps should not happen quite like this:

$ safe cat “safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqwg484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo”
[2020-07-16T18:19:14Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] ContentNotFound - Content not found at safe://%E2%80%9Chnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo%E2%80%9D

because phrased as

Content not found at safe://%E2%80%9Chnyyy

Edit: logged as https://github.com/maidsafe/safe-api/issues/608


Ya it works now :slight_smile: thanks!!


Being slow tonight, using the xor address

safe cat safe://hbhybydidydaj7fpp5kumhqw7448f653nottfq1y6pazbdsn7j5aqgofof

works, i just cat-ed safe:///burns.bard/index.html direct from the network.

oh my god… ha ha ha, this is amazing.


To get you in the habit of sending me all your safecoins
try sending some to here…



Is it AT2 implemented?

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No, this iteration still has the previous test-safecoins implementation.

$ safe keys transfer --to safe://moneygoeshere --from 35af3a54cb8437bc1501246d90ef31082f9d388362a032bffefb5abb8bea1a06 666
Success. TX_ID: 783765199924608581

SafeKey’s current balance: 666.000000000


I just sent you some delicious pie. :wink:

Took me far too long, I wanted to attach a wallet and name, but it’s not implemented yet according to the docs and I’m not paying attention to detail tonight.

I did manage to create a wallet pre loaded with test safecoins, the easiest safecoins I ever got.

Success. TX_ID: 16570832745385173626

This is too much excitement.


Will these generate keypairs be vaild on all future test networks, if so, i’d like to start generating and backing up many safe network keypairs — and send them to my secret holding places.

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No… expect all xorurls including the safekeys will change.

That said, I don’t know what affects xorurls creation… I’d expect some seed triggers everything is necessarily new.


Awww thats a shame.

I was hoping like bitcoin, you could pre-generate a huge amount of keys that are “offline” and not interacted with the network yet.


So, for my own amusement I’ve added a few more less simple instances and all bar one of those tests work as expected.


the one that doesn’t work is same as was, with a cascading NRS not behaving:

→ safe://матрошка.матрошка
→ safe://матрошка.матрошка.матрошка
→ safe://матрошка.матрошка.матрошка.матрошка

Most all safe dog queries for this матрошка, dump as

[2020-07-16T19:12:06Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] ContentError - Sub name not found in NRS Map Container

but expect that’ll get fixed in time.

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You could do this actually, not sure what’s your incentive though, but e.g.:

$ safe keypair
Key pair generated:
Public Key = ab757459b98ceff71ea5534f8bb8ba7f85bc45ee8cba1af89531c50e8ad7e33bf213439debe40f359b89f1b7e9572f1f
Secret Key = 9986ad4dc5d98b7048c3022d6a07da5776b085ae8cf764b9d8be003d345d6d59

Then once you want to be able to receive test-coins you create a SafeKey using the pk:

$ safe keys create --pk ab757459b98ceff71ea5534f8bb8ba7f85bc45ee8cba1af89531c50e8ad7e33bf213439debe40f359b89f1b7e9572f1f
New SafeKey created at: "safe://hbyyyybk5iqtc5ud8x6hxkkw4xtqhmw9hfztn67df4dmhjkcqfb4fpxa35"

At that point you will be able to receive test-safecoins on safe://hbyyyybk5iqtc5ud8x6hxkkw4xtqhmw9hfztn67df4dmhjkcqfb4fpxa35.

Although, since we are still making changes to the implementation, specially with AT2 version coming, I wouldn’t be sure if these keypairs will still be valid, they should though. XOR-URLs may also change if we make enhancements to the encoding which we may. Anyways, I just wanted to give more info about it, but I personally don’t see a benefit on creating them upfront at this point yet, unless you are looking for fancy pks like those I remember seeing from Poloniex which start with “1Polo” (IIRC) and I presume it takes some time to generate/discover.


I’m not getting too far with the docs, need to ask for help.

when I try to safe files put ./to-upload/myfile.txt /

I get this,

[2020-07-16T19:41:05Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] NetDataError - Failed to store Public Sequence data: Data error → Access denied - CoreError::DataError → AccessDenied

I can’t link an NRS to a safekey anymore I get an error. I was logged into SAFE auth btw :sweat_smile:

“acentr@08ASR:~$ safe nrs create evhiy9 --link safe://hbyyyybmc398mkbt9awjuke7patt1swcybhca1uotwx5d3q8j4tdbhy3gw
[2020-07-16T19:40:33Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] NetDataError - Failed to store Public Sequence data: Data error → Access denied - CoreError::DataError → AccessDenied”

would it be possible to link multiple things (safe key, email, safe id) with an NRS?

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This must be due to CLI not being athorised by an account, you need to login and self-authorise CLI app: $ safe auth login --self-auth (assuming you have authd running)


Make sure you’re logged into auth…

So, I use roughly this:

$ wget -qO- https://safe-api.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash
$ safe networks add shared-section https://safe-vault-config.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/shared-section/vault_connection_info.config
$ safe networks switch shared-section
$ safe auth install
$ safe auth start
$ safe update
$ safe auth create-acc --test-coins

safe auth login

 auth subscribe

#another terminal
safe auth
#back to subscribed terminal
#Enter and copy auth allow
auth allow 9999999999

## ACTION here whatever test
folder="./to-upload"; domain="zokisnewdomainname"; safe files put --recursive $folder | grep "FilesContainer created at" | sed 's/FilesContainer created at: "\([^"]*\)"$/safe nrs create '"$domain"' --link \1?v=0/'

The last line with upload from the folder suggested and the output is something to copy and paste back to the terminal for creating the domain
edit as wanted for local folder and the network domain name

folder=“./to-upload”; domain=“zokisnewdomainname”

You can upload individual files without the --recursive but I find it simpler just to use that on folders as a target, save confusion.

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The NRS version would iterate; so, the default NRS the domain suggests would be the latest - option to be explicit with ?v=9 to target difference object types.

The AccessDenied is a login issue.

If you didn’t do the auth subscribe etc perhaps not persistent??..

safe auth status should suggest that you are logged in.

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Thank you got it running…

I wrote an awesome script, do you trust me. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

safe cat safe://helloworld/helloworld.txt | bash