Specifics of the farming algorithm

Not satisfied without something deeper more tangible

Or that there will be 15% more farmers which will earn the same as without artificial incentive. But what is the purpose, the reason? Are we in very much need of 15% extra farmers? In the beginning it might be wanted to have more farmers but there are probably much better ways, efficient ways giving way higher then 15% boost, for example airdrop to new participants. Once the network get’s traction there is no need for 15 earningsboost that might give 15% more farmers.

It is artificial incentive without significant good reasons to exist, it might cause more harm then it does good.

  • For example what will current supply look like on exchanges, does the network know current supply or will exchanges just show current supply = ? If the current supply is unknown then is there a chance that current price being calculated with maximum supply, that would be devestating early on. Coins that suffers 10x inflation within the first year might dig an early grave, too much inflation might affect trust in very negative way.

  • Second reason is that a fork which would set a fixed maximum supply might render our project dead on arrival. A fork with a fixed maximum supply would be superior every time. It opens up for unnecessary attacks on the project. As creating 15% new coins until 4.5 billion don’t have a significant purpose then there is no loss for fork setting max supply to something like 550 million.

You mean inflationary tendencies, more coins to current supply = inflation, If less coins to current supply = deflation.