Something I’ve been thinking about lately is the ability for a competitive app market. To do so would require that the content that apps serve by accessible by all similar apps.
If my litestuff app stored my files for me, then I found safe-dropbox to be a superior app, I should be able to still access my files that I stored with the former by the latter.
Same goes for public data. I should be able to access mp3 files with any kind of music player. png files with any kind of image viewer. html files with any browser-like reader.
This in itself isn’t so hard to comprehend, but it does get more convoluted when things such as comments and likes are added into the picture.
Do “likes” follow content across apps - or would they be app-specific? Same with comments - can I see the comments in safe-reddit the same that I could with safetube?
My thought is that these “public dataset” attributes should be linked in the files themselves. Many times I’ll see youtubers say “comment below” or hit the like button. We all know that those are stored on the server publicly but they are not accessible outside of that current site.
What we have the opportunity to do is - given a comment section with the root at one xor address on the network - have the uploaded file generate their own “root for comments” file and provide the link to it. Or have a piece of content link to a piece of StructuredData that counts likes, etc.
This allows similar apps to establish standards amoungst themselves on how comments are displayed, likes counted, etc. It also frees them up to concentrate on the users’ experiences - config settings, user interface, etc. without having to worry about maintaining databases individually.
It’s like we’re adding another dimension to the information age. We don’t have to worry about restricting access to data on servers for security’s sake; freeing it up for - what I like to call - collaborative competition.
P.S. For clarification - subscriptions aren’t the same I don’t think - as that would be an per-app config setting rather than a public contributable-to dataset.