Sending MAID from a Trezor hardware wallet

In case it helps anyone, I’ve played around with using my TREZOR to generate the public bitcoin key to store my MAID and confirmed that it does indeed work. The key step is to ensure you are sending the MAID to a new public key generated under the “Legacy Account” section on the TREZOR (ie. an address starting with “1” NOT starting with “3”). Here are the exact steps I took.

  1. Wipe TREZOR, Create New Wallet & PIN, and write down 24 recovery seed words. These will be kept secure and offline until I am ready to send these coins again. Most likely, I will be keeping these offline until the network launches and I burn them for SafeCoin.

  2. Once logged in to the TREZOR, click the “Add legacy account” button if there isn’t one already added. Then select the “Receive” tab in order to copy and save the new public BTC key that is created which should start with “1”. At this point, you can send your MAID to this address for safe keeping.

  3. Once you are ready to send the MAID, you simply go to this site or another mnemonic BIP39 code converter: BIP39 - Mnemonic Code
    You could also use an offline converter to ensure more security. Ian has one and I’ve seen others out there as well.

  4. On the page above, you type those 24 recovery seed words into the “BIP39 Mnemonic” field.

  5. Ensure you have selected Bitcoin (BTC), choose the BIP44 Derivation Path tab, and find the derived address from the path m/44’/0’/0’/0/0 (the first one on this particular tool)
    The last “0” in that path could change but in my case, I tested my MAID on the very first address generated in the TREZOR software.

  6. Copy the private key from whichever derivation path you used.

  7. Create a login at then select “My Wallet” at the top, then “My Addresses”, then “Add Address”, and finally “Import Address with Private Key”

  8. Once imported, you should see your BTC and MAID balance show alongside the correct public key. You can now send your MAID to wherever you choose.

Hope this helps!