Why and how, would you end up with a website looking like a SafeKey?..
$ safe dog safe://bitcoin
Native data type: SafeKey
The rest of dog’s output looks just like a normal website and then PublishedSeqAppendOnlyData.
More usually the header there would present as
Native data type: PublishedSeqAppendOnlyData
Version: 0
Type tag: 1100
You (perhaps by mistake) linked an NRS name to a SafeKey XOR-URL:
$ safe dog safe://bitcoin
Native data type: SafeKey
XOR name: 0xb65f24cfcfb019bebb339d989ea1b9e9d8ddd8d77c49743327767adf9ef58590
XOR-URL: safe://hbyyyybp19ru8h9cy3z47u88cau4o5u4qa5zcpq9njqo31q7u456xxmbco
Resolved using NRS Map:
PublicName: "bitcoin"
Container XOR-URL: safe://hnyydyzhn6i868kq4ibttpzdop34mg8kz33i1dejbyug9zw93bpt8otaokbqh
Native data type: PublishedSeqAppendOnlyData
Type tag: 1500
XOR name: 0xf82f54fe3a9daa86316dc706e74b31d57ce6b21a12104cdfbd3f90b627847105
Version: 4
| NRS name/subname | Created | Modified | Link |
| bitcoin | 2020-04-25T16:46:01Z | 2020-04-25T16:46:01Z | safe://hbyyyybp19ru8h9cy3z47u88cau4o5u4qa5zcpq9njqo31q7u456xxmbco |
$ safe dog safe://hbyyyybp19ru8h9cy3z47u88cau4o5u4qa5zcpq9njqo31q7u456xxmbco
Native data type: SafeKey
XOR name: 0xb65f24cfcfb019bebb339d989ea1b9e9d8ddd8d77c49743327767adf9ef58590
XOR-URL: safe://hbyyyybp19ru8h9cy3z47u88cau4o5u4qa5zcpq9njqo31q7u456xxmbco
If you are asking why we allow that? then because I could then do:
$ safe keys transfer 50 --to safe://bitcoin --from <sk>
Success. TX_ID: 4777393522685536336
Check your balance on safe://bitcoin you should see those 50 coins I just sent.
You (perhaps by mistake)
it was not I
Hence my asking how…
I’m expecting a website linked like that would still behave the same… that behaviour of versions etc is linked to the NRS.
I don’t understand your question…are you asking why you are able to have a NRS linked to a non-versioned URL?
No, I’m just checking that websites made like that will behave the same. Someones spawned a fair number of them.
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Well…it’s not a website, it’s a SafeKey published at an NRS name/URL
That makes more sense… closer look there is no content! thanks
The application retrieving the content from safe://bitcoin should act upon it accordingly, e.g. you could have the Metamask plugin to show a popup asking “Do you wanna proceed to transfer to safe://bitcoin?” when you entered that URL in the browser’s address bar
Might have been me 4-6 weeks ago. I made quite a few Safekeys for playing around with err err testing
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July 12, 2020, 2:57pm
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