Safecoin Design Competition

Don’t want to create cult mind you (I know you are not saying that). What about colourless genderless humans in a penrose triangle form or perhaps a sphere to represent global equality and freedom? They may look a little like ants :smiley:

Caveat I am terrible at the creative art type stuff and compared with artistic people I am amoeba like.

@frabrunelle I’m all for creative culture, but the purpose of the logo needs to be considered when deciding how to license it.

The purpose is to represent the project and it’s core values, so anyone can easily identify things which are aligned with that, and distinguish them from things that are against SAFE, or just nothing to do with it.

It would be bad for SAFE if people could take our logo and use it to pass off things that are opposed to what SAFE stands for, or use it to gain credibility and sell things that don’t have SAFE’s attributes, and the foundation be unable to do anything about it.


Well this is why I’m more in favour of letting the logo evolve, like having new anime themes pop up every once in awhile. Say we held a new logo competition periodically, every month or bi-annually or annually, then adopted whatever was best at the time. That way people keep playing with the logo and if it’s not picked well maybe they can come up with something for the next event. Isn’t maidsafe all about constant evolution anyway?

We could even have a page on the site showing the history of the maidsafe logo through time.

Yep…stick to the maths and inventing stuff I reckon and playing guitar of course :smile:

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No thanks, one awesome logo that does not change for the foreseeable future.

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Yep…a network as good as this, deserves a professional approach to branding. Maybe one day it will just melt into the background…ubiquitous I think it’s called. But for the first years it needs to look like sharp and consistent.


I agree with @frabrunelle.

Unless we are all connected to a hive mind, people will have different interpretations, perspectives, and expressions of the SAFE concepts. We are still individuals.

MaidSafe should have a standard logo to identify Safecoin. At the same time, the SAFE community should have the freedom to create their own Safecoin logos if they don’t like MaidSafe’s choice. I think most would go with MaidSafe’s choice for uniformity and easy recognition.


SAFE concepts …agreed

I’m not sure that’s been established.

Not sure why were having a competition if any person or organisation, can make the appearance of SAFEcoin into anything they want.

This is my point of view, and others may disagree.

This competition gives MaidSafe the opportunity to pick a logo from the top candidates. Competition is about picking the best. And that will be MaidSafe’s official Safecoin logo.

But MaidSafe does not own the SAFE Network. It will be given to the world. So let the world represent Safecoin however they wish. I think most people will happily go with MaidSafe’s choice for uniformity and easy recognition but allow other developers make their own logo.

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I may have also suggested this previously, but has not yet been finalized by Maidsafe as far as I know.

Well I dont think ‘SAFEcoin’ is trademarked, so people can do what they will with the name and design around that.

Making derivatives of the official design seems nonsensical…why bother designing at all. It’s like designing a countries currency and granting licence to alter it’s appearance anyway the population sees fit.

SAFEcoin is a currency, medium of exchange, store of value, right? These qualities exhibit stability, open slather to change it’s official mark, does nothing to enhance these qualities if indeed they exist.

The current intention @chrisfostertv and @dyamanaka is that the community will pick the winner in a poll on this forum. I’m not sure yet of the practicalities of having the public select the finalists, so this part will probably be done by MaidSafe, but the community will select from a short list. So, we will move forward with a design that the majority of the community like.

IMO it would be a mistake to have continual changes to the logo over a short period and I think the way that pretty much all world class organisations manage this process confirms this. I personally can’t think of any that make continual and significant changes over a short period of time. The design component of brand awareness is built on familiarity and consistency. So gradual changes over a long period of time work better.


Likely a process for updating things such as logo could be made, and have them as important as updates to the source code; I’d also add that this poll should have a minimum number of votes necessary for selection; if only 20 people were to vote versus 100 out of the 300 or so members of - this probably wouldn’t be a worthy choice.

A cool example of how many of us actually access is likely the number of clicks on this link.
Marc Andreessen on Maidsafe