Which is exactly the behavior we want to deter. Millionaires just sitting on their coins and hoarding them OR someone losing the wealth in the first place. Either way that’s why you want them to decompose in the first place. That’s the whole point.
A bank is a private entity that makes profit. The network is more akin to nature. It has no ego or profit motive. When it reabsorbs the coins that gets redistributed according to the farming rate. You might as well accuse a tree of making profit by soaking up CO2 and pumping out oxygen. You profit just as much as you lose some CO2, sunlight, water or cubic. As my father used to say it’s not theft if you pay back the cost of what you take, which is exactly what the network does. Again bread mold does not steal from you, it just eats your bread.
To put this in perspective: A bank will take the profit from your deposit, skim off it and give some to some rich CEO bank manager to buy a ferrari with. The SAFE network does not buy a ferrari, it just converts the safecoin that has been distributed back into safecoin that CAN be distributed to farmers. That’s IT! Which means for every coin that decomposes that’s a bit more incentive for more farmers to devote resources to the network. Your comparisan between centralized banks and the SAFE network is flawed.
No one is disputing the ownership of the coins. We are disputing the NATURE of the coins. Whether they are perishable or non perishable. If you buy a sandwich no one will be disputing your ownership of that sandwich either but it won’t last forever (unless perhaps if you buy it from McDonalds and it’s one of those freaky things that never ever rots).
We’re not talking about data, your files are fine all tucked away nice and cozy. We’re talking about safecoin. How is safecoin that decomposes against SAFE’s goals if your files stay secure? The whole point of safecoin is the measure resources on the network which safecoin would still do effectively, perhaps even more so because it would be more efficiently circulated. Nor would this decomposition compromise anonymity. So how exactly is anyone’s data insecure?
Just the other day we were talking about freezing safecoin in order to divide it. And the problem being that x number of safecoin would be out of circulation and frozen in order to have y number of divisible coins. Now I ask you what’s the difference between frozen safecoin and hoarded and/or lost safecoin? They’re still out of circulation and inaccessable. You say some people will not like decomposing safecoin because they want to save it. I say tough, build a fridge and otherwise take responsibility for your accounts. We can’t afford to coddle billionaires and old people that forget their account passwords because someone wants a savings account they can file and forget.
Safecoin isn’t DATA. Safecoin isn’t files, videos and pictures. Safecoin is at best a currency that we use to MEASURE data on the SAFE network. You seem to be confusing the two. So yes it very well CAN be compared to food. Or more accurately I’d ask why? Why is it not like food? Why not? If you were talking about the actual DATA I’d be in utter agreement with you. But you’re not. You’re talking about money which is totally different. I don’t have any regard for people that want to hoard money for 20, 50 or 100 years. Use it or lose it. And one of the biggest problems with our society are huge corporations that want to hoard wealth. So yeah why pray tell ISN’T safecoin like food, or wood, or cloth, or anything else that’s perishable? And if it’ll fail every time then prove it.
Now what’s wrong with that idea? It would certainly be an economic stimulus and get people to spend their money rather than hoard it. You haven’t actually proved that’s a bad idea.
Yes SAFE is a preservation network but it’s designed to preserve data, knowledge, files. But you still haven’t proven why safecoin itself shouldn’t decay over time. Safecoin is a measurement but I wouldn’t consider it worthy data in and of itself. It’s a means, not an end.
Okay so I go to buy a TB off the network and what do they price it in? Safecoins of course. Ergo it’s a unit of measure, of price. I don’t care if the network measures for me but safecoin is still the unit of measure.
So use something that is precise. Give it an internal timer. It doesn’t need to know what time it is. It just needs to have a countdown.