Safecoin and taxes

Either actually quote me saying it or stop misrepresenting my views, you said:

You were originally talking about not recognising established land rights and that basically it should be a free for all territorially - you said:

"You have no fixed territory that you defend and you have no proof of ownership. Why should I care what you SAY or believe you? It’s what you can do that matters. You say you staked a claim to the land? I say you are both a liar and I don’t care as I don’t recognize your ability to claim land anyway. What are you going to do? " (post 111 of the global democracy thread - again quote thing not working)

In reply to this, I said

Going back to fiefdoms and Kings would be the logical progression from fighting over small territories within a Country’s borders. You clearly misrepresent my position on both these issues.
If you want to paraphrase me, then the more correct quote would be:

If you can’t argue honestly, then I’d suggest you just stop arguing.