SAFE Network - TEST 6

Quite frankly I think there needs to be a revisement of the batch uploading for the demo app. If we’re going to charged safecoin for individual files then we should be able to manipulate individual files. So far if you upload a folder for a site and it fails you get charged puts for the partial upload but don’t have access to the files you supposidly uploaded and can’t reupload the files. I already submitted a bug report for this a couple days ago (no response so far). But the bug aside I think it points out a larger issue. I like being able to upload an entire batch but I think it should be modified so it’s not just 0 - 100% but rather one can see each individual file’s progress being uploaded (like on say a window manager of some kind when copying files) and have acces to each file that has been copied to SAFE regardless of whether the complete list of files in the batch finishes or not.

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Probably not if the files are titled correctly and hey i liked Van helsing. It was a good movie and a nice tribute to the classics.

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Deleting more than one private file at a time within a folder seems not possible either.

Yeah that needs to be fixed as well. Though the files I was uploading were public not private. Still I’d like to have access to files that I’m being charged PUTs for.


Any idea how to fix the problem I was having, where if I’m logged in, all the connections seem to time out?

Unfortunately I can’t test much if I can’t upload :confused:

If the keyword and PIN are still nesesary for an account I think the user should have access to them. I can’t log into the same account via different operating systems. Haven’t tried via the same OS/different machines yet. But it would seem to be a problem, especially if the idea is that SAFE is to be accessed from any machine.

I’m having issues viewing safenet sites. The .pac is in place, the launcher is up and running. So I’m not sure what the problem is.

It’s pretty convenient to go to the relevant issues page listed in the OP and see if it’s been reported already. Add a new issue or comment on an already opened issue.

i.e launcher: Issues · maidsafe-archive/safe_launcher · GitHub

Feedback is not instant from the Devs, but they do send a confirmation email once the issue has been addressed.


For the last couple of days all I’ve had is this

Edit: I already had an active account since TEST6 was set up and I know my password is definitely correct.
Edit 2: Might my account have been deleted? I just created a new account with the password that I used for my first account.

Everything seems to just autostart when you download them from the Demo app. This could also be a way to spread malware easily, because people are always so fond to just click on stuff. Exe & vids just auto start.

Sorry that I ask this, but did you create an account first. Because I checked it and that happened when I didn’t create an account


Have you clicked on “create account”?

That is what happened to me first time.

EDIT: beaten by @19eddyjohn75


Agree - a “Save As” dialogue would be much better.

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Yes I had been using my account no problem since TEST6 was set up, it just suddenly stopped working

The MaidSafe Demo App is stuck at “Waiting for Response”.

I don’t know if the following Launcher log helps any way, but here we go:

DEBUG 5:54:3.5 - Starting FFI worker client
DEBUG 5:54:3.25 - Sending FFI initialisation request
DEBUG 5:54:3.26 - Sending message to FFI - a3d0351b-375e-4bcd-af39-5425c5023c19
- connect -
DEBUG 5:54:3.31 - Application starting
DEBUG 5:54:4.824 - FFI/mod/auth.js - Create Unregistered Client Handle
DEBUG 5:54:6.800 - FFI/mod/auth.js - Registering observer
DEBUG 5:54:6.801 - Network state change event received :: 0 :: false
INFO 5:54:6.801 - Connected with network
INFO 5:54:6.804 - Starting proxy server
DEBUG 5:54:6.998 - Proxy Server - onMessage event - received - {"type":"connecti
on","msg":{"status":true,"msg":"Proxy started"}}
INFO 5:54:6.998 - Proxy server started
DEBUG 5:54:15.9 - Invoking Auth::login API
DEBUG 5:54:15.9 - Sending message to FFI - 326dbd99-c2ee-4254-8245-01f78be6f8c0
- auth - login
INFO 05:54:17.120053000 [routing::core] Bootstrapping(PeerId(2c6e..
), 0)(028755..) Connection failed: Proxy node needs a larger routing table to ac
cept clients.
INFO 05:54:18.319856200 [routing::core] Bootstrapping(PeerId(2c6e..
), 1)(028755..) Connection failed: Proxy node needs a larger routing table to ac
cept clients.
DEBUG 5:54:47.882 - FFI/mod/auth.js - Registering observer
DEBUG 5:54:47.883 - FFI/mod/auth.js - get SafeDrive Dir Key
DEBUG 5:54:47.884 - FFI response code 0 for id - 326dbd99-c2ee-4254-8245-01f78be
VERBOSE 5:54:47.884 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 326dbd99-c2ee-
DEBUG 5:54:47.885 - Network state change event received :: 0 :: true
INFO 5:54:47.885 - Connected with network
DEBUG 5:54:47.886 - Dropping unregistered client
DEBUG 5:54:47.886 - Invoking Auth::dropUnregisteredClient API
DEBUG 5:54:47.886 - Sending message to FFI - 83541f42-86fd-4aff-aa72-eeb633e136c
5 - auth - drop-unregistered-client
DEBUG 5:54:47.888 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: Account Info ::client-stats
DEBUG 5:54:47.888 - Sending message to FFI - 5fc9bd73-d3bf-4711-9e2a-0322a3f7c80
d - client-stats - acc-info
DEBUG 5:54:47.889 - FFI/mod/auth.js - Dropping unregisteredClientHandle
DEBUG 5:54:47.899 - FFI response code 0 for id - 83541f42-86fd-4aff-aa72-eeb633e
VERBOSE 5:54:47.899 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 83541f42-86fd-
DEBUG 5:54:50.616 - FFI response code 0 for id - 5fc9bd73-d3bf-4711-9e2a-0322a3f
VERBOSE 5:54:50.616 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 5fc9bd73-d3bf-
DEBUG 5:55:1.853 - Unauthorised request ::/auth
DEBUG 5:55:1.855 - Authorisation request received
DEBUG 5:55:1.856 - Emitting event for auth request received
DEBUG 5:55:3.326 - Waiting for directory key for creating an session
DEBUG 5:55:3.326 - Invoking Auth::getAppDirectoryKey API
DEBUG 5:55:3.327 - Sending message to FFI - 2edd56e4-5eaf-4240-b3c8-f8a081998f5a
 - auth - app-dir-key
DEBUG 5:55:3.333 - FFI/mod/auth.js - Getting App Root Dir Key
DEBUG 5:55:47.889 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: GETs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:55:47.890 - Sending message to FFI - 4bf6a85c-7e3f-411c-968f-777b5ea5742
3 - client-stats - gets
DEBUG 5:55:47.891 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: DELETEs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:55:47.891 - Sending message to FFI - f74ec699-8dab-4d0b-a64b-723cedd795d
8 - client-stats - deletes
DEBUG 5:55:47.892 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: POSTs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:55:47.892 - Sending message to FFI - 50e7c386-544a-4294-a072-ce5922ea6e9
9 - client-stats - posts
DEBUG 5:55:47.893 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: PUTs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:55:47.893 - Sending message to FFI - 65b43037-a5dc-405a-bd22-681e1796df3
b - client-stats - puts
DEBUG 5:55:47.898 - FFI response code 0 for id - 4bf6a85c-7e3f-411c-968f-777b5ea
VERBOSE 5:55:47.899 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 4bf6a85c-7e3f-
DEBUG 5:55:47.900 - FFI response code 0 for id - f74ec699-8dab-4d0b-a64b-723cedd
VERBOSE 5:55:47.901 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - f74ec699-8dab-
DEBUG 5:55:47.901 - FFI response code 0 for id - 50e7c386-544a-4294-a072-ce5922e
VERBOSE 5:55:47.902 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 50e7c386-544a-
DEBUG 5:55:47.903 - FFI response code 0 for id - 65b43037-a5dc-405a-bd22-681e179
VERBOSE 5:55:47.903 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 65b43037-a5dc-
DEBUG 5:56:47.889 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: GETs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:56:47.890 - Sending message to FFI - 344225d4-e028-4ffe-8c03-f9ccabab370
1 - client-stats - gets
DEBUG 5:56:47.890 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: DELETEs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:56:47.891 - Sending message to FFI - ce7b45a5-8411-4d32-be95-fb53f0e3dd0
1 - client-stats - deletes
DEBUG 5:56:47.891 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: POSTs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:56:47.892 - Sending message to FFI - 222d196a-cd30-4a8c-97d3-c64725b6b2a
4 - client-stats - posts
DEBUG 5:56:47.892 - Invoking CLIENT STATS API:: PUTs COUNT::client-stats
DEBUG 5:56:47.892 - Sending message to FFI - c0329fef-9768-4919-b9c7-fd0ae8c9fe6
6 - client-stats - puts
DEBUG 5:56:47.895 - FFI response code 0 for id - 344225d4-e028-4ffe-8c03-f9ccaba
VERBOSE 5:56:47.896 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 344225d4-e028-
DEBUG 5:56:47.899 - FFI response code 0 for id - ce7b45a5-8411-4d32-be95-fb53f0e
VERBOSE 5:56:47.900 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - ce7b45a5-8411-
DEBUG 5:56:47.901 - FFI response code 0 for id - 222d196a-cd30-4a8c-97d3-c64725b
VERBOSE 5:56:47.902 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - 222d196a-cd30-
DEBUG 5:56:47.904 - FFI response code 0 for id - c0329fef-9768-4919-b9c7-fd0ae8c
VERBOSE 5:56:47.904 - Invoking response callback :: callback id - c0329fef-9768-
DEBUG 5:57:1.833 - Authorised request :://auth
DEBUG 5:57:1.833 - Decrypted session id :: undefined
WARN 5:57:1.834 - Session ID not found

I find interesting the last log entry> “SESSION ID NOT FOUND”.
Take care