Video with accelerated version of safe://galaxy and safe://constellations sites is on YouTube.
There are strange periods with many nodes always appearing and disappearing in a specific section. Some examples are:
- section 000 from 2017-04-06 22:42:18 to 23:00:28
- section 110 from 2017-04-08 18:38:36 to 21:07:17
- section 0011 from 2017-04-09 21-31-59 to 23-30-25 (the whole life of this section).
- section 010 from 2017-04-11 20:56:42 to 2017-04-12 02:15:35.
I don’t know if this due to an external attack, a bug in MaidSafe code or if the message I used is not supposed to always return true section definitions. If someone from MaidSafe wants to analyze with real node ids, source raw data files are stored on GitHub.
Note: Test 16 was probably the last one where I could publish sites like safe://galaxy and safe://constellations because: